Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A SonnetXCVI. Christopher Fetherstone
With loue surpassing that of men,
Of God, who had by sundrie signes
The same reuealed to you as then:
But now that God you haue forsaken,
And part with Romish idoll taken.
So carrieth you? what hope, what feare,
Doth make you turne? you so reuolt
From him that loued you so deare?
O blockishnes which Sathan breedes,
Not once to see whither he you leades!
The holie heauens? what! hazard all
To gaine a thing that’s nothing worth?
What thing more precious can you call,
Then God, the soule, and body neate,
And honour, which are riches greate?
In course which you haue erst begunne.
Returne to God. Vp! courage take,
And to that path full swiftlie runne,
Which constant hath proposde to you;
Vp, vp! I say, and enter now.