
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Sonet XC

XI. Henry Lok

From the “Second Centurie”

ON sweete and sauorie bread of wholesome kinde,

Which in thy word thou offrest store to me,

To feed vpon the flesh doth lothing finde,

And leaues to leane, O Lord, alone on thee:

The leauen of the Pharisees will bee

The surfet of my soule, and death in fine,

Which, coueting to tast forbidden tree,

To carnall rules and reasons doth incline.

So lauishly my lusts do tast the wine

Which sowrest grapes of sin filles in my cup,

That, lo, my teeth now set on edge I pine,

Not able wholesome food to swallow vp,

Vnlesse thou mend my tast, and hart doest frame

To loue thy lawes, and praise thy holy name.