Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonet XLIIIIIXI. Henry Lok
From the “First Centurie of Sonets”
Whose eye doth lust for euerie earthly thing,
By couetise allurde, hath bit the baight
That me to Satan’s seruitude will bring.
By violence I vertue’s right would wring
Out of possession of the soule so weake,
Like vineyard which the wicked Achab king
Possest by tirant’s power, which lawes do breake.
Let prophets thine, Lord, to my soule so speake,
That in repentant sackcloth I may mone
The murther of thy grace which I did wreake,
Whilst to my natiue strength I trust alone:
And let my Sauiour so prolong my daies,
That henceforth I may turne from sinfull waies.