
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

God’s Covenant with Noah

XII. William Hunnis

TO Noah and his sonnes with him

God spake, and thus sayd he:—

A cou’nant set I vp with you

And your posterity;

And with eche liuing creature els

That from the flood was free,

Both foule and beast and cattel all,

And what so ere it be,

Upon the earth that was with them,

And from the arke did passe,

According eu’ry lyuing thinge,

As then my pleasure was.

This is the cou’naunt that I make,

From henceforth neuermore

Whill I agayne the worlde destroye

With water, as before.

And of my cou’naunt this shall be

The sygne and token sure,

Twene me and you and all the world

For euer to indure.

My bowe in cloud I haue there set,

That when a clowde shall falle,

This bowe therein shall then be seene

Of liuing creatures all.

And I wil not vnmyndful be

Of this my cou’naunt past

Twixt me and you and euery flesh,

Whyles that the worlde shall last;

But stil will thinke vpon the same,

And loke vpon the bowe,

The token, signe, and seale most sure

Of couenaunt that I showe.