Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Dialog betweene Christ and SinnerXII. William Hunnis
Prepare yourselues to praie;
For I mine angell will send foorth
To sound the iudgement daie;
That mine elect and chosen sort
Might find my saieng true,
How that the time I shorten will
For them, and not for you.
Awake, I saie, awake, awake.
Would like the crums that fall:
Thy chosen sort are verie few,
But manie doost thou call.
I stretch mine armes at large,
For to imbrace such as doo come,
And all your sinnes discharge.
Wherefore if you refuse to come
I will you then forsake,
And to my feast will strangers call,
And them my children make.
Awake, therefore, and rise from sleepe;
Awake, I saie, awake.
Aboue our sinnes abound.
In iustice mine be found.
And therein art thou iust.
In vaine is else your trust.
Or else it cannot be.
And blessed shall you be.
We humblie doo require.
And grant this your desire.