Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Psalme of Reioising for the Woonderfull Loue of ChristXII. William Hunnis
With ioie our soules to fill;
For Christ hath paid the price of sinne,
With mercie and good will.
For sinfull fleshe’s sake;
By his good will disdained not
Most shamefull death to take.
His bodie all-to rent;
By his good will to saue vs all
He therewith was content.
Our sinfull soules to kill;
For Christ hath paid the price of sinne
With mercie and good will.
Let us from sinne refraine;
For Christ desireth nothing els
In lieu of all his paine:
As he vs loou’d before;
So shall his loue abide in vs,
And dwell for euermore.
Our wicked lusts to kill:
For Christ hath paid the price of sinne
With mercie and good will.