
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

A Psalme of Reioising for the Woonderfull Loue of Christ

XII. William Hunnis

Ratified by His Meritorious Death and Passion for Our Spirituall Redemption

LET vs be glad, and clap our hands,

With ioie our soules to fill;

For Christ hath paid the price of sinne,

With mercie and good will.

By his good will he flesh became

For sinfull fleshe’s sake;

By his good will disdained not

Most shamefull death to take.

By his good will his blood was spilt,

His bodie all-to rent;

By his good will to saue vs all

He therewith was content.

By his good will death hath no power

Our sinfull soules to kill;

For Christ hath paid the price of sinne

With mercie and good will.

Since Christ so dearelie loued vs,

Let us from sinne refraine;

For Christ desireth nothing els

In lieu of all his paine:

And that we should each other loue,

As he vs loou’d before;

So shall his loue abide in vs,

And dwell for euermore.

Let then our loue so dwell in him,

Our wicked lusts to kill:

For Christ hath paid the price of sinne

With mercie and good will.