Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The Wyshes of the WiseXIII. Thomas Bryce
Which we with wo sustayne?
When shal the daies of rest and peace
Returne to vs agayne?
To leaue hys lustyng life?
When shall our mocions and delight
Be free from wrath and strife?
Be moued vnto myrth?
When shall the aged with gray heares
Reioyce at children’s byrth?
In him that is their Kyng,
And Sion hill with cherefull voyce
Synge psalmes with triumphyng?
That foes with furie fraye?
When shall that perfect oliue-tree
Geue odour like the haye?
That beastlye bores deuour?
When shall the people, late abhorde,
Receuye a quiet houre?
In vs that want good wyll?
When shall thy mercies set vs free
From wickednesse and yll?
To poyson thine electe,
Be bounde to better exercise,
Or vtterly reiecte?
Which on the earth is shed?
When shall synne and iniquitie
Be caste into the ded?
To bee euen as he is?
When shal thy babes and children dere
Receyue eternall blisse?
Be cast vnto the grounde?
When shal her children haue their dome,
Which vertue would confounde?
Be free from bitter blaste?
When shal thy grace our sinnes remoue
With pardon at the laste?
From fortune’s fickell fall?
When shall true faith and equitie
Remaine in generall?
For euer slake and cease?
When shall the daies of euill date
Be tourned vnto peace?
With those that bye and sell,
And single minde in euery coaste
Among vs bide and dwell?
From wealth and worldlye gayne?
When shall the monynges of our harte
From wickednes refrayne?
From whence the same did spryng?
When shal the triall of our trust
Appeare with triumphyng?
And thy dere babes reuiue?
When shal the hoare be headlong cast,
That sought vs to depryue?
With power and renowne?
When shall thy sainctes that suffer here
Receyue their promest crowne?
Before thy face to dwell?
When shall thy foes at thy lyfte hand
Be caste into the hell?