Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
A Solempne and Repentant Prayer for Former Life MispentXIV. Sir Nicholas Breton
The thoughts of ech man’s heart;
Who sendest some continuall plague,
And some relief of smart;
Wherein I dayly stand;
And onely for thy mercies’ sake
Now helpe me out of hande.
To plague me thus with greefe;
So canst thou, Lorde, if thee it please,
With speede send me releefe.
I can it not denye,
That I deserve these plagues, and worse,
And that continually.
Thy judgments just extend;
But pardon me, and graunt me grace
My life for to amend.
Of worldly vanitie,
And lend me helpe to pace the pathes
Of perfect pietie;
And in such godly wise,
That they may bring me to the place
Of perfect Paradice.
In wayes of weary wo,
Where wicked, wily, wanton toyes
Do leade me too and fro.
That pleaseth not my taste;
But fond delight, that wicked weede,
Was all my chief repaste:
So doo I plainly finde
Some hidden poyson lurking lyes
For to infect my minde.
Because I now do see
That, wanting smart, I wanted grace
For to acknowledge thee.
Doo feele thy punishment,
I doo lament my folly great,
And all my sinnes repent.
For mercy I appeale,
To send me, Lord, some heavenly salve
My greevous sores to heale.
As no man dooth endure;
And eke my greevous sicknesse such
As none but Thou canst cure.
To men in misery,
So pitty me, that thus, O Lord!
Do pine in penurie.
That put their trust in Thee,
So held in this my deepe distresse
Some comfort lend to me.
And lay thy scourge aside;
For, Lord, the greevous smart thereof
I can no longer bide.
Beholde my humble heart,
Who onely, Lord, doo trust in thee
For to releeve my smart.
Lord, graunt me of thy grace,
That I in heauen at latter daye
May have a joyfull place.