Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The Prayse of HumilitieXIV. Sir Nicholas Breton
Which feares displeasure in a deerest friend;
The only note of true nobilitie,
Whose worthy grace is graced without end;
While faythfull loue, in humble truth approued,
Doth euer liue, of God and man beloued.
Makes men as saincts, and women angells seeme;
Makes sinne forgotten; mercy vse no rodd;
And constant fayth to growe in great esteeme;
And is, in summe, a blessing of the highest,
And to the nature of himselfe the nighest.
As if on earth there were a heau’nly light:
It maketh witt in wisedome so diuine,
As if the eie had a celestiall sight:
It is a guide vnto that heauen of rest,
Where blessed soules doe liue for euer blest.
In man, from God a guift of speciall grace;
While in the state of vertues, honor’s story,
Wisedome doth find itt in perfection’s place;
And plac’t so high in the Allmightie’s loue,
As nothing more can mercie’s comfort proue.
The harte obedient vnto witt and sence;
And euery limme to play a seruant’s parte,
Vnto the will of witt’s præheminence:
It brings the minde vnto the body soe,
That one the other cannott ouergoe.
Passion’s phisition; reason’s councellour;
Religion’s darling; labour’s turtle-doue;
Learning’s instructer; grace’s register;
Time’s best attendant, and truthe’s best explainer;
Vertue’s best louer, and loue’s truest gainer.
The scholar’s lesson, and the soldier’s line;
The courtier’s creditt, and the ladies’ beawty;
The lawier’s vertue; and the loue diuine,
That makes all sences gratious in his sight,
Where all true graces haue theyr glorious light.
Itt doth prepare the spirit for perfection;
Itt brings the sowle vnto her sinnes’ confession;
Itt helpes to cleere the body from infection:
Itt is the meane to bring the minde to rest,
Where harte, sowle, body, minde, and all, are blest.
Gratious in him, who made her full of grace;
And on her Sonne itt blessedly abode,
In bearing all the filthy world’s deface;
And in his seruants, for theyr Master’s loue,
Did fayth’s affections in theyr passions proue.
When Isaack’s death was quitted by the rame;
Itt saued Noah and his progenies,
When on the earth destruction’s deluge came;
Itt saued Lott from hurt of Sodom’s fire,
And Israell from cruel Pharaoh’s ire.
In Ninivie a sweete submission;
In Job a famous blessed patience;
In Pawle assurance of his sinnes’ remission;
In John the habitt of a holy loue;
In Christ the grace that did all glory proue.
And ever keeps the minde of godlynes;
And euer brings the harte to quietnes;
And euer leads the soule to happines;
And is a vertue of that blessednes,
That merits praise in highest worthines.
The wife her husband’s, and the seruants master’s;
Where humble fayth in happie hope’s behoue
Finds patience, care discomfort’s healing plasters,
And truest course of care’s tranquilitie
Only to rest butt in humility.
I see the waye vnto the well of blisse,
Where patience doth in all perfection proue,
Where the high blessing of all blessing is;
Let my sowle pray that I may humbly sing
The heauenly prayses of my holy Kinge.