Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
The World VanityXLI. M. Thorn
The assured state of man,
Shall well perceiue by reason than,
That where is no stabilitie,
Remaineth nought but vanitie.
Throughly content with his degre?
Wherby we maie right clerely see
That in this vale of miserie
Remaineth nought but vanitie.
Meane men again their state doe hate;
Old men thinke children fortunate,
A boy a man would fainest be:
Thus wandreth man in vanitie.
With great desire in court to dwel;
The courtier thinks hym nothyng well,
Till he from court in countrey be,
He wandreth so in vanitie.
If thou haue lands or goods great store,
Consider thou thy charge the more,
Since thou must make account therefore:
Thei are not thine, but lent to thee,
And yet thei are but vanitie.
Sicknes or age doth both disgrace;
Then be not proude in any case:
For how can there more folly be,
Then for to bost of vanitie?
With worldly cares; but haue respect
How God rewardeth his true electe
With glorious felicitie,
Free from all worldly vanitie.