Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
An Holsome WarningXV. John Hall, M.D.
From the “Court of Vertue.”
All ye that Christians be;
That beare that name, and doe not frame
Your liues accordingly.
Though thee doo Christ professe,
That euery houre doo Christ deuoure,
And his poore flocke oppresse?
Membres of one body
Of Christ Jesu, ground of vertue
And of all veritie:
Is Christ his member true,
As well as he, what so he be,
That ryches so endue.
Beare such despight and hate,
Syth they be all in Christ equall
With you in all estate?
By wealth or hygh degree,
Allthough that here some doo appere
To reygne in dignitie.
When he shall iudge us all,
Of all your wealth, so got by stelthe,
You to accompt to call:
To your poore brethern dere,
Then wyll he say, Goo from me aye
Into eternall fyre.
In sycknes, thyrst, and colde,
In all my nede not one good dede
That you to me doo wold.
Lord, when dyd we thee see
Lacke any foode to doo thee good,
And dyd it not to thee?
I truely say to you,
Ye styll oppreste and muche detest
The poore, my members true.
That are of lowe degree,
To me alone, and other none,
Ye did that iniury.
God whom we doe not see,
If we doe hate our brethren that
Are present to our eye.
Your wycked lyues amende;
And so procede in worde and dede
True Christians to the ende.