
Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.

Embleme III

XVI. Geffrey Whitney

Motto: Non tibi, sed religioni.

THE PASTORS good, that doe gladd tidinges preache,

The godlie sorte with reuerence doo imbrace:

Though they be men, yet since Godd’s worde they teache,

Wee honor them, and giue them higheste place:

Imbassadors of princes of the earthe

Haue royall seates, thoughe base they are by birthe.

Yet if throwghe pride they doe themselves forgett,

And make accompte that honor to be theires,

And doe not marke within whose place they sett,

Let them behowlde the asse that Isis beares,

Whoe thowghte the men to honor him did kneele,

And staied therfore till he the staffe did feele.

For as he passd with Isis throughe the streete,

And bare on backe his holie rites about,

The Ægyptians downe fell prostrate at his feete,

Whereat the asse grew arrogante and stowte:

Then saide the guide, Oh foole! not vnto thee

Theise people bowe, but vnto that they see.