Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Psalme XIIIXVIII. William Byrd
To send mee some reliefe?
For euer wilt thou hide thy face,
And so increase my griefe?
Seeke councell in my sprite?
How long shall my malicious foes
Triumph, and me despite?
Vttered with wofull breath;
Lighten mine eies; defend my life,
That I sleep not in death:
Against him, loe, preuayled:
At my downefall they will reioyce,
That thus haue me assayl’d.
For that shall mee defend:
My hart doth ioy to see the help
Which thou to mee wilt send.
And doe lift vp my voyce;
And for his goodnesse shew’d to mee
I will alway reioyce.