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H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.

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Matthews, Brander: The Function of Slang, Harper’s Magazine, vol. lxxxviii, p. 304.
Melville, A. H.: An Investigation of the Function and Use of Slang, Pedagogical Seminary, vol. xix, p. 94, 1912.
Niceforo, Alfredo: Le Génie de I’Argot; Paris, 1912.
Prévot, Georges: Essai sur I’Emploi Figuré des Termes de Guerre dans le Langage Contemporain, Mercure de France, Jan. 16, 1919.
Reusch, J.: Die Alten Syntaktischen Reste im Modernen Slang; Münster, 1893.
Saineanu, Lazar: L’Argot des Tranchées; Paŕis, 1915.
Schrðder, Georg: Ueber den Einfluss der Volksetymologie auf den Londoner Slang-Dialekt; Rostock, 1893.
Sechrist, Frank K.: The Psychology of Unconventional Language, Pedagogical Seminary, vol. xx, p. 413.
Sherman, E. B.: A Study in Current Slanguage, Critic, new series, vol. xxvii, p. 153.
Sidney, F. H.: Hobo Cant, Dialect Notes, vol. v, p. 41.
Smith, C. Alphonso: New Words Self-Defined; New York, 1919.
Sparke, Archibald: Slang in War-Time, Athenœum, Aug. 1, 1919.
Thérive, André: L’Argot et la Langue Populaire, Revue Critique des Idées et des Livres (Paris), tome xxxii, p. 272.
Whitman, Walt: Slang in America, North American Review, vol. cxli, p. 431.
Wilson, A. J.: A Glossary of Colloquial Slang and Technical Terms in Use in the Stock Exchange and in the Money Market; London, 1895.
Wilson, Charles B.: Dialect and Slang, Athenœum, vol. ii, p. 291.

13. Euphemisms, Nicknames, and Forbidden Words
Anon.: American Nicknames, Chambers Journal, March 31, 1875.
——: Note on the Word “Jew,” n. p., n. d.
——: The Slang of Venery and Its Analogues (unpublished).
Hayden, Marie Gladys: Terms of Disparagement in American Dialect Speech, Dialect Notes, vol. iv, p. 194.
Johnson, Burúrges: The Everyday Profanity of Our Best People, Century Magazine, June, 1916.
McLaughlin, W. A.: Some Current Substitutes for “Irish,” Dialect Notes, vol. iv, p. 146.
MacMichael, J. Holden: National Nicknames, Notes and Queries, 9th series, vol. iv, p. 212.
Scott, Fred N.: Verbal Taboos, School Review, vol. xx, 1912, pp. 366–78.
Sechrist, Frank K.: The Psychology of Unconventional Language, Pedagogical Seminary, vol. xx, Dec., 1913.
Warnock, Elsie L.: Terms of Approbation and Eulogy in American Dialect Speech, Dialect Notes, vol. iv, p. 13.
——: Terms of Disparagement in the Dialect Speech of High School Pupils in California and New Mexico, Dialect Notes, vol. v, p. 60.