William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Washington’s Birth-dayN
Nor gewgaws that garnish a throne;
For Liberty loves on her own native lyre
To celebrate sons of her own.
And exults on the morn of his birth,
Who shakes every throne of despotical kings,
And gives a new lesson to earth.
O, waft it, ye waves, that they fan;
For the choicest of gifts that the God can bestow
Is the blessing of Freedom to man.
Oh! W
With praises more sweet shall perfume,
Than ever embalm’d or exalted a name
In Macedon, Athens, or Rome.
Alexander, that hero admired?
Let the foes or the friends whom he massacred, speak,
Or the beautiful city he fired.
That made him renown’d or adored;
Then mention what race by his valour was freed,
Or bless’d by his sceptre or sword?
Did his legions disperse at a word?
Did he halt or retire from a summit of sway,
That saving his country conferr’d?
Then, W
To extinguish their feuds by his mind?
Or prove to the free the pre-eminent use
Of union to them, and mankind?
One leader like ours had enjoy’d,
No lover of Science or Freedom had wept,
For Science and Freedom destroy’d.
Then, W