William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Ode: ‘Behold! behold! with generous hand’Tune—“He comes! he comes!”
Luxuriant Plenty strews the land;
The laurel with the olive bends,
And Freedom’s heavenly beam descends.
Freedom, ray divine!
Still unclouded shine,
Still, with power divine,
Bless Columbia’s shore!
Firmly we proclaim,
We’ll guard the sacred flame,
Safe from each insidious aim,
Or be no more.
Tears from sweet Hope the budding flower;
Enrich’d by Commerce roll our tides,
And Wisdom’s star our pilot guides.
Freedom, ray divine, &c.
Remember whence the raptures flow:
’Twas Jefferson the charter framed,
Which man’s and Nature’s rights proclaim’d.
Freedom, ray divine, &c.
Each charm, delighted, Nature spread,
So shall the richest wreath of Fame
Adorn this daring statesman’s name.
Freedom, ray divine, &c.
On this great day did Freedom rise;
Whose beams each blessing shall secure,
While faith, and truth, and time endure.
Freedom, ray divine, &c.