William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
A Sonata: ‘Welcome, mighty chief! once more’From the Freeman’s Journal, or the North American Intelligencer
Sung by a number of young girls, dressed in white, and decked with wreaths and chaplets of flowers, holding baskets of flowers in their hands, as General Washington passed under the triumphal arch raised on the bridge at Trenton, April 21, 1789
Sung by a number of young girls, dressed in white, and decked with wreaths and chaplets of flowers, holding baskets of flowers in their hands, as General Washington passed under the triumphal arch raised on the bridge at Trenton, April 21, 1789
Welcome to this grateful shore:
Now no mercenary foe
Aims again the fatal blow.
Virgins fair, and matrons grave,
Those thy conquering arms did save,
Build for thee triumphal bowers.
Strew, ye fair, his way with flowers—
Strew your hero’s way with flowers.