William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Mute be trumpets, fifes, and drums;
Make ploughshares of each sabre:
The soldier cit no more shall prance
On warlike steed, but gayly dance
To merry pipe and tabor.
Greet him, fair maids, with sunny smiles,
And strew his way with flowers.
Grim-visaged War no more shall scare—
No more Bellona rudely tear
Fond lovers from your bowers.
And swell the dulcet “Carrol” strain,
The halcyon song of peace:
The loves and graces, hand in hand,
Again shall reign throughout the land,
And war and discord cease.
Where jolly cits each other greet
In hearty gratulation:
And, like heaven’s galaxy bright,
The city sheds one stream of light
In clear illumination.
Her valiant chieftains, side by side
Their trophies join’d with peace:
Their patriot deeds and martial mien,
In bright transparencies are seen,
In all the pride of grease.
But catch the influence of the hour,
And smiles his visage grace:
To Peace the genial bowl he quaffs,
In merry jeers cracks jokes, and laughs
War’s wrinkles from his face.
The seaman loosens every sail
To catch the favouring breeze;
Again is heard the hum of trade,
The victor starry flag is spread
To brighten distant seas.