William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Ode: ‘God of our fathers! need we trace’On the establishment of the Constitution, and the election of Washington as President
The miseries of a former race,
To learn true conduct from recorded woes?
But now, our errors and our crimes
Drew down thy judgments on the times—
Black, o’er our heads, a tempest rose:
Soon all the heavens were in a flame,
Pointing to blast our peace and fame.
But, O! thy mercy turn’d the storm aside,
Deign’d to becalm the raging seas,
Deign’d to diffuse the swelling breeze,
And to the port of peace our vessel guide.
Our “pilot,” saved through such a watery war,
Sits at the helm, and points to hope’s bright star;
And, Thou, his guide, he bids us boldly go,
Whatever rocks oppose, whatever tempests blow.