William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Lamentation for Gen. WashingtonW
Which wrapt the land in sorrow’s shade!
From heaven the awful mandate flies,
The father of his country dies.
The rulers of our mourning land,
With grief proclaim, from shore to shore,
Our guide, our Washington’s no more.
The glory of Columbia is fled; how are the mighty fallen! Ye sons of freedom, mourn for the great, the mighty Washington; he burst the chains of tyranny, and fought for the God of armies, and planted the “tree of liberty” in this your happy soil. The lovely Washington was pleasant in his life, and in his death he displayed the fortitude of a Christian warrior. Ye sons and daughters of Columbia, weep over Washington, who raised the standard of liberty, and clothed you with the ornaments of freedom. Ye mountains of Vernon, be ye hushed as death, for the mighty Washington has resigned his breath. Mourn, ye patriots of Columbia, mourn for your departed chief; his body is now in dust. How is the beauty of Columbia fallen, and the weapons of war perished!