William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Columbia’s Lamentation for Gen. WashingtonH
My heart melts with anguish, dissolves into tears;
The man whom all nations did love and adore
Is deceased, and I shall behold him no more;
O, my son Washington,
O, what shall I do for my son?
Grief bursts from my bosom and pours from my eyes;
A sackcloth of sorrow hangs over my son,
I mourn for the loss of my great Washington.
O, my grief, O, my grief,
O, no more shall I seek for relief.
Then he was appointed the chief in command;
He beat her bold warriors with his matchless skill:
O, where is the man his mansion can fill?
O, I fear, O, I fear,
He dwells not in my hemisphere.
Peace reigned triumphant while he bore the sway;
A hero, a statesman, a sage, all in one,
I mourn for the loss of my great Washington;
O, his death drowns all mirth,
And saddens this desolate earth.
Right into the centre of his valiant heart:
Midst sickness and sorrow his mind was composed,
And closed his own eyes, when he gave up the ghost.
Gave his breath, mortal breath,
Up to the grim angel of death.
Lies still, cold, and speechless, and lies in his grave;
His friends and relations in mourning did come,
To bear him with honours to his darksome tomb;
Where he must, where he must
Lie mouldering and mingled with dust.
Bedew his green grave with the heart-melting tear;
Keep sacred his memory through infinite years,
Tell this to your children, and they unto theirs.
He was prime and sublime,
Grand-master of all in my clime.
To convoy his spirit to mansions on high;
Attended with music on the golden lyre,
They bore him aloft in a chariot of fire.
O, the wheels, the flaming wheels,
How swiftly they roll’d up the hills.
Whose cavalry shone with unspeakable glare;
He sounded the trumpet through heaven’s high arch,
The cavalcade led, and they quicken’d their march.
Swift they flew, blazing, through
The glaring ethereal blue.
To the highest heavens my hero was brought;
Soft was his carriage, and easy his tour,
There he was received as an ambrosial flower,
God to view, joys ensue,
Forever delightsome and new.
Solomon, Franklin, and great Tamerlane:
And John the beloved, the worthies of old,
Are crowned with laurels, in garments of gold.
Glad to meet, glad to meet
Their brother in glory complete.
The transporting wonders of heaven rehearse;
Their God, and their Father, and grand Pattern praise,
On high sounding organs and loud lofty lays.
Like the Dove, join in love,
To praise the eternal Jehovah.