William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
War Song—1776H
And we must all attend;
Take up our arms, and go with speed
Our country to defend.
Which fills our land with pain;
Her gallant ships, mann’d out for war,
Come thundering o’er the main.
And many thousands more,
May cross the sea, but all in vain;
Our rights we’ll ne’er give o’er.
Our property devour;
And all because we won’t submit
To their despotic power.
We’d better die than yield;
We and our sons are all undone
If Britain win the field.
But, I am bold to say,
They’ll find themselves bound fast in chains
If Britain wins the day.
And sprightly youths attend,
Leave their sweethearts and risk their lives,
Their country to defend.
Have heroes’ fame in store;
We pray the Lord to be their shield
Where thundering cannons roar.