William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
An Ode: ‘When the Almighty’s fiat gave’Written at Lexington, in Kentucky, for the fourth of July, 1788
“Creation’s boundless range” a birth;
The choir of angels hail’d our land,
The land most favour’d of the earth.
“Hail, Kentucky! Kentucky, that shall be
Forever great, most blest and free!
Increasing torrents quickly raise;
So high, the trump of fame shall swell
Thy name with tributary praise.
Hail, Kentucky! forever be thy name
The theme of never-dying fame!
By lib’ral Heaven’s great commands,
Shall on thy torrents, unconfined,
Send plenty to far distant lands.
Hail, Kentucky! Kentucky, thou shalt be
Forever great, most blest and free!”