William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
The Flag of FreedomAlonzo Lewis (1794–1861)
Above the hills our fathers saved;
It floats, as in the battle tide,
Above the brave and good it waved.
When they, who sleep beneath its shade,
Stood foremost in the battle blaze,
And bared for us the patriot blade.
To gratulate their deathless fame,
With them the jubilee to keep,
And hail our country’s honour’d name.
Above our father’s honour’d graves,
Free from a thousand battle-shocks,
Our striped and starry banner waves.
Above our loved and native plains?
And are there men would curb its pride,
And bind our eagle fast in chains?
And watch o’er Freedom’s chartered land;
The battle peal again may break,
Again in arms thy children stand!