William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Freedom’s CallColonel David Humphreys (1752–1818)
Tune—“The Restoration March”
A while allure the soul,
When Freedom calls to war,
Those powers she will control;
When British bands in hostile arms,
Indignantly we view,
What patriot’s breast but throbs, to bid
His love, and ease, adieu;
In Freedom’s all-inspiring cause,
To fly alert to arms,
And change his downy bed
For Mars’s dread alarms.
Your gallant souls enthral,
But in your country’s cause,
Resolve to stand or fall;
And when by our united force
We’ve drove the tyrants home,
With laurels, such as graced the brows
Of sons of ancient Rome,
We’ll each return to his kind lass,
Whose beauty soon shall prove
That for the toils of war
The best reward is love.