William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
An Ode: ‘See in the east refulgent rise’Henry Bickly
The genius of the western world;
Mild gazing through the azure skies,
Around her clouds of glory curl’d:
The goddess F
Who looks below with happy mien,
And eye of more than mortal pride.
Ambrosial odours flinging round;
Now see them pass the eastern deep,
And now alight on earthly ground.
Casting swift glance on every sphere;
“This,” she cried, “’s my favourite land,
For still I see my standard here.
Hark! how the trumpet sounds afar;
See Glory point to Valour’s feats,
And fire-mouth’d cannons bellow W
This day enregister’d in Heaven,
When first was seen the bold array;
When first the mighty blow was given,
And snatch’d it from Oppression’s skill;
Stamp’d warriors on the list of Fame,
And statesmen worlds shall reverence still.
Collected heroes braved the storm,
And shook the shackles from the soul,
And freed the energetic arm.
Again to men, man’s rights to tell,
Resolved to kneel at victory’s shrine,
Or fall as their great fathers fell.
Through every heart the blood-tides run;
See, crowding towards the expectant plain,
Thousands, who think and act as one.
A slumber of inglorious rest;
Revenge’s sparkles light their eyes,
Convulsive passions shake their breast.
On Britain glimmers Terror’s glare;
Columbia’s sons shall feel my sway,
Britain’s, the sway of cold despair.
The genius sigh’d, “strike the firm blow;
Cast from your necks your broken yoke,
And rise triumphant o’er your foe.
Brethren in cruel bondage held,
Where oft has burst the smother’d flame,
And oft the heart indignant swell’d.
Crow’d eager for the coming fight;
Union their wide pavilion boasts:
Union, we fight for justice, right.
How glorious do they now appear;
This is, indeed, my favour’d land,
And float, my flag, forever here!”