William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
Arrival of General La FayetteRobert Stevenson Coffin (1797–1827)
Hail, freedom’s friend! hail, Gallia’s son,
Whose laurels greener grow in age,
Pluck’d by the side of Washington!
Hail, champion in a holy cause,
When hostile bands our shores beset;
Whose valour bade the oppressor pause—
Hail, hoary warrior, L
A youthful chief, thy footsteps press’d;
And dauntless want and peril bore,
Till veni vici deck’d thy crest!
Forever welcome, great and good!
Till freedom’s sun on earth shall set,
The still small voice of gratitude
Shall bless the name of L
Who fain would crush the freeborn brave,
Whose glory gilds a tottering tower,
Himself a subject and a slave;
Would not, to view a nation’s eyes
With joyous drops unbidden wet,
The pageantry of pride despise,
And grasp the hand of L
The path to virtue, honour, fame;
To glory’s temple proud aspire,
While warmly glows the ardent flame;
The voice of age shall fearless tell
What perils oft its path beset,
And prompt them onward by a spell
That urged the soul of L
Forever round thy hallow’d head,
We’ll seek the place of thy repose,
By filial love and duty led:
And hearts that beat in bosoms free,
(Gems by unerring wisdom set,)
The living monument shall be
Of freedom’s champion, L