William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
The Day That Washington Was BornWilliam Ray (1771–1827)
Which gave the greatest mortal birth
That ever bore imperial sway—
That ever walk’d upon the earth—
Auspicious and eventful morn,
The day that Washington was born.
A boon which God and Nature gave,
And bade him go—a world control,
But first that world from bondage save;
The hearts of tyrants shrunk forlorn
The day that Washington was born.
And Independence too, though young,
Around the features of the child,
With love enthusiastic clung—
New lights arose, the world to adorn,
The day that Washington was born.
Shone round, with renovated ray;
America, while yet in youth,
And error’s darkness swept away;
Slavery’s night-veil from man was torn,
The era Washington was born.
Each son of Liberty—his son—
Should join, and votive honours pay
To the loved name of Washington:
Whose splendours, like the sun’s, adorn
The globe where Washington was born.
Proud of the day and of the name,
Give all that e’er was due to man
Of immortality and fame—
The heart’s warm incense every morn
The day that Washington was born.