Andrew Macphail, comp. The Book of Sorrow. 1916.
Of my dear son GervaseSir John Beaumont (1583–1627)
The songs of death, forget my sweetest child,
Which, like a flow’r crusht, with a blast is dead,
And ere full time hangs down his smiling head,
Expecting with clear hope to live anew,
Among the angels fed with heav’nly dew?…
Dear Lord, receive my son, whose winning love
To me was like a friendship, far above
The course of nature or his tender age;
Whose looks could all my bitter griefs assuage:
Let his pure soul, ordain’d seven years to be
In that frail body which was part of me,
Remain my pledge in Heav’n, as sent to show
How to this port at every step I go.