Hunt and Lee, comps. The Book of the Sonnet. 1867.
II. To the Statue of Eve, by PowersGeorge Henry Calvert (1803–1889)
Translucent visions, in his holiest dreams,
Or when the abstracted, waking mind so teems
With images of beauty that ’t will brood,
In happiest silence, on the fertile mood
So deeply, till each outward thing but seems
Fantastic, while the flashing, inward gleams
Compound a loveliness that would be wooed
As a reality,—were such to come
Before thee, with a virgin joy, his soul,
Like a new spirit in Elysium,
Would gush with ecstasy, while from it roll
All memories of dreams or inward sight,
Paled by the fulgence of thy wondrous light.