Thomas Humphry Ward, ed. The English Poets. 1880–1918.rnVol. III. The Eighteenth Century: Addison to Blake
Allan Ramsay (1686–1758)Extracts from The Tea-Table Miscellany: An Thou Were My Ain Thing
I would love thee, I would love thee;
An thou were my ain thing
How dearly I would love thee.
Frae flowers of sweetest scent and hue,
Sae wad I dwell upon thy mow
And gar the gods envý me.
I ’d on thy beauties feast my sight,
Syne in saft whispers through the night
I ’d tell how much I loved thee.
She moves a goddess o’er the green.
Were I a king thou should be queen—
Nane but myself aboon thee.
Whilst thou like ivy on the vine
Around my stronger limbs should twine,
Formed handy to defend thee.
In shining youth let ’s make our hay;
Since love admits of no delay,
O let na scorn undo thee.
Hae, here ’s my heart, gie me thy hand,
And with ilk smile thou shalt command
The will of him who loves thee.
I would love thee, I would love thee;
An thou were my ain thing,
How dearly I would love thee.