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Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941). The Golden Bough. 1922.

Subject Index

“Diana’s Mirror,” 1, 711
Dianus and Diana, 161167
Dieri of Central Australia, the, 64, 65, 115, 548, 603
Dinkas, the, 269, 565
Diodorus Siculus, 365
Dione, wife of Zeus at Dodona, 151; the old consort of Zeus, 165
Dionysus, 142, 265, 378; god of the vine, 386; god of trees, 387; the Flowery, 387; god of agriculture and the corn, 387; and the winnowing fan, 388; horned, 390; live animals rent in the rites of, 390, 391; as a goat, 390, 464; human sacrifices in his rites, 392; torn in pieces at Thebes, 392; as a bull, 464, 465; relations to Pans, Satyrs, and Silenuses, 464; his resurrection perhaps enacted in his rites, 468
Disease, demons of, expelled, 196, 542; transferred to other people and to effigies, 539; sent away in little ships, 563
Divination, 256, 634, 635
Divine animal, killing the, 499; as scape-goat, 570, 576
“Divine Consort, the,” 142
Divine Husbandman, in China, 468
Divining rods, 705
Divinities, human, bound by many rules, 262
Divinity of kings, 162; growth of the conception of the, 162, 163
Divorce of spiritual from temporal power, 175178
Dobrizhoffer, Father M., 254, 255
Dodona, oracular spring at, 147; Zeus and Dione at, 151; oracular oak at, 159
Dodwell, E., 397
Dog, black, sacrificed for rain, 73; used to stop rain, 75; prohibition to touch or name, 174; corn-spirit as, 448; of the harvest, 449
Dogs crowned, 3
Dollar-bird associated with rain, 72
Donar or Thunar, German thunder-god, 160
Doors opened to facilitate childbirth, 239; to facilitate death, 243
Dos Santos, J., 97
Dosuma, king of, 593
Doves, external soul in, 670; Aeneas led to the Golden Bough by, 703
Dragon, rain-god represented as, 74; or serpent of water, 146; at Midsummer, effigy of, 655
Dramas, magical, 140, 324; sacred, 374
Dreams, absence of soul in, 181; belief of savages in the reality of, 181; festival of, 553
Drenching people with water as a raincharm, 69, 70, 341, 342
“Drink, Black,” an emetic, 486
Drinking and eating, taboos on, 198, 199; modes of drinking for tabooed persons, 199, 208, 211, 219
Drought, supposed to be caused by the unburied dead, 72; chiefs and kings punished for, 86; supposed to be caused by a concealed miscarriage, 209
Druidica festivals, so-called, 617
Druids, 110, 249, 653, 654, 657, 659; of Ireland, 621; and the mistletoe, 709, 710
Duchesne, Mgr., 360
Dugong fishing, taboos in connection with, 217
Dulyn, the tarn of, on Snowdon, 76
Dunkirk, the Follies of, 654
Durian-tree, the, 113
Dusuns of Borneo, the, 225, 566
Dyaks, of Borneo, 14, 16, 25, 182, 248, 249, 413, 496, 518; of Landak, 682; of Pinoeh, 679; of Sarawak, 498; Sea, 239, 531; of Tajan, 682
Eagle, the bird of Jove, 149
Eagle-hunters, 21, 22
Eagle-owl worshipped by the Ainos, 515
Earth, inspired priestess of, 94; marriage of the Sun and, 145; image of, praying to Zeus for rain, 159; Lithuanian prayers to the, 480; the priest of, 594
Earth demons, 492; goddess, 396, 434437
Earthworms eaten by dancing girl, 497
East, ascetic idealism of the, 139
East Indian Islands, magic in the, 18, 21; epilepsy transferred to leaves in the, 539; demons of sickness expelled in little ships, 564
East Indies, pregnant women forbidden to tie knots, 238; reluctance of persons to tell their own names, 246; bringing back the Soul of the Rice, 372; the Rice-mother in the, 413
Easter, resemblance of the festival of, to the rites of Adonis, 345; assimilated to the spring festival of Attis, 359; controversy as to the origin of, 361
Easter Eve, ceremonies on, 400, 560; Saturday new fire on 614; Sunday ceremony observed by gypsies on, 568; Monday, festival on, 126; candle, 614; fires, 614
Eating, out of sacred vessels, 169; together, 202; and drinking, taboos on, 198; eating the god, 479494, 498; the soul of the rice, 482
Ebb tide, death at, 35
Eclipse, ceremonies at an, 78
Ecuador, human sacrifices in, 431
Edgewell Tree, the, 682
Effigies, 468, 491, 492, 539, 568, 609, 612614, 622, 624, 625, 630, 648, 650, 655, 658; of Carnival, 302; of Death, 307, 311; of Judas, 615; of Kupalo, Kostroma, and Yarilo, 318; of Osiris, 376, 382; of Shrove Tuesday, 305
Efugaos, the, of the Philippines, 498
Egbas, the, of West Africa, 273
Egeria, water-nymph, 4, 8, 147, 151, 152, 164
Egerius Baebius or Laevius, 5
Egg-shells, the breaking of, 201
Egypt, the Nativity of the Sun at the winter solstice in, 358; in early June, 369; the gods flee into, 391; the corn-spirit in, 443