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Sir James George Frazer (1854–1941). The Golden Bough. 1922.

Subject Index

Marquesas or Washington Islands, human gods in the, 96
Marriage, of men and women to trees, 8; treading on a stone at, 33; the pole-star at, 34; of the Sun and Earth, 136, 145; the Sacred, 139146; of the Gods, 142145; consummation of, prevented by knots, 240; mock or real, of human victims, 581
Marriott, Fitzgerald, 26
Mars, 577, 578; temple of, 77; the planet, 444; Field of, 478
Mars Silvanus, 578
Marsaba, a devil, 696
Marseilles, human scapegoats at, 578; Midsummer king of the double axe at, 630
Marsh marigold, hoop wreathed with, 121
Marsyas, his musical contest with Apollo, 354; perhaps a double of Attis, 354
Martens, magic to snare, 18
Masai of East Africa, 219, 232, 238
Mashona of South Africa, 98
Masks worn by devil-dancers, 542; at expulsion of demons, 548, 553; by members of a secret Wolf society, 699
Maspero, Sir Gaston, 53
“Mass of the Holy Spirit,” 53
Mass of Saint Sécaire, 54
Massagetae sacrifice horses to the sun, 79
Masset, in Queen Charlotte Islands, dances of Haida women at, 27
Matabele, the, 72, 645
Matacos or Mataguayos, the, 601
Matiamvo, a potentate in Angola, 271
Matuana, Zulu chief, 498
May, King of, 129, 130, 299; King and Queen of, 157, 320; Queen of, 129, 131
May Bride, 135, 317, 320; Bridegroom, 133; Lady, in Cambridge, 127; Rose, the Little, 125
—— Day, celebration of, 119135, 316, 621; “Burning out of the Witches” on, 560; bonfires on, 617622
May-bushes, 119, 129, 130, 132; -garlands, 121; -poles, 119, 120, 122124, 132, 479; -trees, 119121, 123, 124, 297, 299, 311, 314, 614, 651
Mbaya Indians, the, 293
M’Bengas of the Gaboon, 681
Mecca, pilgrims to, 238
Mecklenburg, magic in, 44; locks unlocked at childbirth in, 239; harvest customs in, 430, 449, 454; treatment of the afterbirth in, 682
Medea and Aeson, 496
Medicine bag, at initiation, 698
—— men, 64, 85, 87, 88, 92, 105, 180, 183187, 484, 520, 679, 693
Melanesia, homoeopathic magic of stones in, 33; contagious magic of wounds in, 41; confusion of magic and religion in, 52; supernatural power of chiefs in, 84; continence while yam vines are being trained in, 138; malignant spirits in, 192; disposal of cut hair and nails in, 235; names of relations by marriage tabooed in, 251; conception of the external soul in, 684
Melanesians, 52, 246
Melicertes, son of King Athamas, 290, 291
Melos, milk-stones in, 34
Memphis, head of Osiris at, 366
Men, evil transferred to, 542; disguised as demons, 562, 563; as scapegoats, 565; divine, as scapegoats, 571, 576; disguised as women, 610
Menedemus, sacrifices to, 224
Menelik, Emperor of Abyssinia, 66
Menstruation, women tabooed at, 207; seclusion of girls at, 595; reasons for secluding women at, 606
Meriahs, human victims sacrificed among the Khonds, 434, 437
Merlin, the wizard, 76
Meroe, Ethiopian kings of, 266
Mesopotamia, artificial fertilisation of the date-palm in, 582
Messiah, pretended, in America, 102
Metsik, a forest-spirit, 315
Mexican kings, their oath, 87, 104; sacraments, 488; temples, 589
Mexicans, the ancient, 79, 380, 432
Mexico, ancient, festival in honour of the goddess of maize, 28; treatment of the navel-string in, 40; human sacrifices in, 380, 431, 432; killing the god in, 587592
Micah, the prophet, 51
Mice, in magic, 39; eaten by the Jews as a religious rite, 472; superstitious precautions of farmers against, 530, 531
Midsummer, death of the spirit of vegetation celebrated at, 319; bonfire at, called “fire of heaven,” 644; procession of giants at, 654; sacred to Balder, 664
Midsummer bonfires, 122, 622. See also Midsummer fires
—— Bride and Bridegroom, 133
—— Day, ancient Roman festival of, 153. See also St. John’s Day
—— Eve, in Sweden, 122; in Russia, 318; trolls and evil spirits abroad on, 625; oak thought to bloom on, 706. See also St. John’s Eve
—— festival, in Europe, 153, 622; named after St. John, 343; the most important of the year among the primitive Aryans of Europe, 656
—— fires, 622632; animals burnt in, 655
Midwinter fires, 636
Mikado of Japan, 168, 169, 176, 202, 593, 595
Miklucho-Maclay, Baron, 197
Milk, women’s, promoted by milk-stones, 34; of cows, thought to be promoted by green boughs, 119; customs observed when the king of Bunyoro drinks, 199; of pig thought to cause leprosy, 472, 473; omens from boiling, 482; taboos referring to, 488; not to be drunk by menstruous women, 604; stolen by witches from cows, 620, 627, 628, 648
Milk-stones, magical, 34
Milkmen of the Todas sacred or divine, 100; taboos of, 175
Millet, homoeopathic magic of, 29; the deity of, 481
Minangkabauers of Sumatra, 180, 183, 415, 604