William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- D
UKE OF MILAN, Father to Silvia. - V
ALENTINE, PROTEUS, the Two Gentlemen. - A
NTONIO, Father to Proteus. - T
HURIO, a foolish rival to Valentine. - E
GLAMOUR, Agent for Silvia, in her escape. - S
PEED, a clownish Servant to Valentine. - L
AUNCE, the like to Proteus. - P
ANTHINO, Servant to Antonio. - H
OST, where Julia lodges in Milan. - O
UTLAWS with Valentine. - J
ULIA, beloved of Proteus. - S
ILVIA, beloved of Valentine. - L
UCETTA, waiting woman to Julia. - Servants, Musicians.
SCENE. —Verona; Milan; and the frontiers of Mantua.