Bliss Carman, et al., eds. The World’s Best Poetry. 1904.
Poems of Home: I. About ChildrenBaby’s Shoes
William Cox Bennett (1820–1895)O,
Those shoes that no little feet use.
O the price were high
That those shoes would buy,
Those little blue unused shoes!
That no more their mother’s eyes meet,
That, by God’s good will,
Years since, grew still,
And ceased from their totter so sweet.
So hushed, how the mother has kept,
With a tearful pleasure,
That little dear treasure,
And o’er them thought and wept!
Of a patter along the floor;
And blue eyes she sees
Look up from her knees
With the look that in life they wore.
There babbles from chair to chair
A little sweet face
That ’s a gleam in the place,
With its little gold curls of hair.
From all else would rather part
Than those tiny blue shoes
That no little feet use,
And whose sight makes such fond tears start!