Bliss Carman, et al., eds. The World’s Best Poetry. 1904.
Poems of Home: IV. YouthRiding Down
Nora Perry (1831–1896)O
And riding down, while all the town
Came out to see, came out to see,
And all the bells rang mad with glee?
The bells ring out, the people shout,
And did you hear that cheer on cheer
That over all the bells rang clear?
The fluttering flags, the tattered flags,
Red, white, and blue, shot through and through,
Baptized with battle’s deadly dew?
The drums’ gay beat, the bugle sweet,
The cymbals’ clash, the cannons’ crash,
That rent the sky with sound and flash?
Just waiting there and watching there,
One little lass, amid the mass
That pressed to see the hero pass?
And smiling down, as riding down
With slowest pace, with stately grace,
He caught the vision of a face,—
Turned red and white with sheer delight,
To meet the eyes, the smiling eyes,
Outflashing in their swift surprise?
How swift it came, like sudden flame,
That smile to me, to only me,
The little lass who blushed to see?
Oh, all along, a lovely throng
Of faces fair, beyond compare,
Beamed out upon him riding there!
A sparkling gem, and yet for them
No swift smile came, like sudden flame,
No arrowy glance took certain aim.
From all that grace of perfect face,
He turned to me, to only me,
The little lass who blushed to see!