Bliss Carman, et al., eds. The World’s Best Poetry. 1904.
Poems of Home: I. About ChildrenThe Angel’s Whisper
Samuel Lover (1797–1868)A
Its mother was weeping;
For her husband was far on the wild raging sea;
And the tempest was swelling
Round the fisherman’s dwelling;
And she cried, “Dermot, darling! O come back to me!”
The baby still slumbered,
And smiled in her face as she bended her knee:
“O, blessed be that warning,
My child, thy sleep adorning,—
For I know that the angels are whispering with thee.
Bright watch o’er thy sleeping,
O, pray to them softly, my baby, with me,—
And say thou wouldst rather
They ’d watch o’er thy father!
For I know that the angels are whispering with thee.”
Saw Dermot returning,
And the wife wept with joy her babe’s father to see;
And closely caressing
Her child with a blessing,
Said, “I knew that the angels were whispering with thee.”