Bliss Carman, et al., eds. The World’s Best Poetry. 1904.
I. The Divine Element—(God, Christ, the Holy Spirit)The Hills of the Lord
William Channing Gannett (1840–1923)G
And drove his furrows deep!
The huddling plains upstarted,
The hills were all a-leap!
Age-hidden in their breast;
“God’s peace is everlasting,”
Are the dream-words of their rest.
The home elect of his grace;
He spreadeth his mornings on them,
His sunsets light their face.
Of footfalls echoing long,
And carry majestic greeting
Around the silent throng.
Wild storm-news from the main;
They sing it down to the valleys
In the love-song of the rain.
And over the uplands flock;
He weaveth the zones together
In robes for his risen rock.
Nests for his flying cloud;
Homesteads for new-born races,
Masterful, free, and proud.
Come up to their shrines and pray;
God freshens again within them,
As he passes by all day.
The beauty deeper than all,
This faith—that life’s hard moments,
When the jarring sorrows befall,
And the mountains yet shall be
The source of his grace and freshness
And his peace everlasting to me.