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The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.

Popular Poems

Man, Maid, and Widow

From Vuk’s Collection

THE KING from the queen an answer craves:

“How shall we now employ our slaves?”

“The maidens shall work embroidery,

The widows shall spin flax-yarn for me,

And the men shall dig in the fields for thee.”

The king from the queen an answer craves:

“How shall we, lady, feed our slaves?”

“The maidens shall have the honeycomb sweet,

The widows shall feed on the finest wheat,

And the men of maize-meal bread shall eat.”

The king from the queen an answer craves:

“Where for the night shall rest our slaves?”

“The maidens shall have rooms airy and high,

The widows on mattressed beds shall lie,

And the men on nettles under the sky.”