The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Wilhelm Müller (1794–1827)The Drunkard’s Fancy
I am come here;
Old road, how odd to me
Thou dost appear!
Right and left changing sides,
Rising and sunk;
Oh, I can plainly see,
Road, thou art drunk!
Thou hast, oh, moon!
One eye shut, t’other eye
Wide as a spoon.
Who could have dreamed of this?
Shame on thee, shame!
Thou hast been fuddling,
Jolly old dame!
See how they reel!
Nodding and flickering
Round as they wheel.
Not one among them all
Steady can go;
Look at the drunken lamps,
All in a row.
Great things and small;
I am the only one
Sober at all.
But there’s no safety here
For sober men;
So I’ll turn back to
The tavern again.