The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
II. Runes and ManuscriptsBibliography
- I. R
UNES: GENERAL LITERATURE - Arnamagnaeanske Haandskrift, Det, No. 28, Codex Runicus, in facsimile. Ed. Kommissionen for det Arnamagnaeanske Legat. Copenhagen, 1877.
- Clark, J. W. The Care of Books, 2nd ed. Cambridge, 1902.
- Friesen, O. von. Om runskriftens härkomst. In Spr&[char]kvetenskapliga Sällskapets i Uppsala Förhandl. 1904–6. Upsala, 1904.
- Grimm, J. Deutsche Mythologie. Göttingen, 1835. 4th ed. Meyer, E. H. 3 vols. Berlin, 1875. Trans. Stallybrass, J. S. 4 vols. 1882–8.
- Grimm, W. Über deutsche Runen. Göttingen, 1821.
- —— Zur Literatur der Runen. Wiener Jahrb. der Liter. XLIII. Vienna, 1828. Reprinted in Schriften, III, 85 ff.
- Keary, C. F. A Catalogue of English Coins in the British Museum, Anglo-Saxon Series. 2 vols. 1887.
- Kemble, J. M. On Anglo-Saxon Runes. Archaeologia, XXVIII (1840), pp. 327 ff.
- Kirchoff, A. Das gothische Runenalphabet. 2nd ed. Berlin, 1854.
- Liliencron, R. v. and Müllenhoff, K. Zur Runenlehre. Halle, 1852.
- Massmann, H. F. Gotthica minora. Zeit. f. d. Albert. I (1841).
- Montelius, O. Runornas [char]lder i Norden. In Svenska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskr. VII, 236 ff. Trans. into German in Archive für Anthropologie, XVIII, 151 ff. [As to the age of runes.]
- Ólsen, Bj. M. Runnerne i den oldislandske Literatur. Copenhagen, 1883.
- Salin, B. Die Altrgemanische Tierornamentik, 1904.
- Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum. Ed. Holder, A. Strassburg, 1886. Trans. Elton, O. 1894.
- Schröder, E. Über das Spell. ZDA. XXXVII, 241 ff.
- Sievers, E. Runen und Runeninschriften. In Paul’s Grundriss, I, 248 ff.
- Sijmons, B. Die Lieder der Edda. Halle, 1906. The Edda has been trans. into German by Gering, H., Leipzig and Vienna, no date [1892]; into English by Thorpe, B., 2 parts, 1865–6; by Magnússon, E. and Morris, W., Völsunga Saga, 1870, 2nd ed., 1888; by Vigfusson, G. and Powell, F. York, Corpus poeticum boreale, 2 vols., Oxford, 1883.
- Stephens, G. The Old Northern Runic Monuments, 4 vols. Copenhagen, 1866–84.
- —— Handbook of the Old Northern Runic Monuments. London and Copenhagen, 1884.
- —— The runes, whence came they. London and Copenhagen, 1894.
- Thorsen, P. G. Om runernes Brug til Skrift udenfor det Monumentale. Copenhagen, 1877.
- Wimmer, L. F. A. Die Runenschrift. 2nd ed. Transl. by F. Holthausen. Berlin, 1887. [Standard work.] See further: Losch, F., Germania, XXXIV, 397 ff.; Meyer, R. M., Paul u. Braune’s Beitr. XXI, 162; v. Grienberger, Arkiv, XIV, 101 ff., XV, I ff.; P. u. B.’s Beitr. XXI, 185 ff.; ZDPh. XXXII, 302 ff.; Hempl, G., Phil. Stud. für Eduard Sievers, 1896, id. The Journal of Germ. Phil. II, No. 3, p. 370 (1899).
- Zacher, J. Das gotische alphabet Vulfilas und das runenalphabet. Leipzig, 1855.
- II. R
UNIC INSCRIPTIONS IN ENGLAND - Chadwick, H. Munro. Early Inscriptions in the North of England. [Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society, Part III, May, 1901.] Bradford.
- Haigh, D. H. The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons, pp. 37–41. 1861.
- Sweet, H. The Oldest English Texts. E.E.T.S. LXXXIII, pp. 124 ff. 1885.
- Vietor, W. Die Northumbrischen Runensteine. Marburg, 1895.
- (a.) Ruthwell Cross: reproductions and text
- Anderson, J. Scotland in Early Christian Times. 2nd series. Edinburgh, 1881.
- Anderson, J. and Allen, J. R. The Early Christian Monuments of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1903.
- Cardonnell, A. de. Vetusta Monumenta. Soc. Ant. Lond. II, plates 54, 55. 1789.
- Cook, A. S. Notes on the Ruthwell Cross. MLA. Vol. XVII, 367 ff.
- Dietrich, F. Disputatio de Cruce Ruthwellensi. Marburg, 1865.
- Duncan, H. Archaeologia Scotica. Trans. Soc. Ant. Scotland, IV, plate 13. Edinburgh, 1833.
- Gordon, A. Itinerarium Septentrionale, p. 160, plates 57, 58. 1726.
- Hickes, G. Thesaurus, 1, 3, plate 4. Oxford, 1703–5.
- Kemble, John. Archaeologia, XXVIII, 349–357. 1840. Cf. Additional Observations on the Runic Obelisk at Ruthwell, ibid. XXX, pp. 31–46, 1843. Cf. P. A. Munch, Norsk Literaturtidende, Nos. 1–4, Christiania, 1845.
- [MacFarlan, J.] The Ruthwell Cross. Edinburgh and London, 1885.
- Vietor, W. Die Northumbrischen Runensteine, pp. 2–13. Marburg, 1895.
- Wilson, D. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. 2 vols. 2nd ed. II, 319–329. Cambridge and London, 1863.
- Zupitza, J. Verse vom Kreuze zu Ruthwell. In his Alt und Mittelenglisches Übungsbuch, 7th ed., 1904.
- (b.) The Bewcastle Column: reproductions and text
- Haigh, D. H. Archaeologia Aeliana. N.S.I. 1857.
- Howard, H. Archaeologia, XIV, pp. 113 ff. 1801.
- Hutchinson, W. The History of the County of Cumberland. 2 vols. Carlisle. 1794.
- Lysons, D. L. and S. Magna Britannia. Vol. IV. 6 vols. 1806–22.
- Maughan, J. The Maiden Way. Archaeol. Journal, XI, pp. 103 ff. 1854.
- —— Memoir on the Roman Station and Runic Cross at Bewcastle. 1857.
- Nicholson, W. Letter written in 1865, in Camden’s Britannia. Ed. by Gibson, 1695.
- Smith, G. The Gentleman’s Magazine, pp. 132, 318, 368 f., 529. 1742.
- Stuart, J. Sculptured Stones of Scotland. 2 vols. Spalding Club Publ. Aberdeen, 1867.
- Vietor, W. Die Northumbrischen Runensteine, pp. 13–16. Marburg, 1895.
- (c.) The Franks Casket: reproductions and text
- Bugge, S. Tidskrift for Philologi og Paedagogik, VIII, 302.
- Franks, A. W. Memoir on the Casket. Archaelogical Journal, XVI, pp. 391 ff. 1859.
- Gering, H. Zum Clermonter Runen-Kästchens. ZDPhil. XXXIII, 140 ff.
- Grein, C. W. M. and Wülcker, R. P. Bibliothek der Angelsächsischen Poesie, pp. 281–3 (with facsimile). Cassel, 1883.
- Grienberger, v. Zu den Inschriften des Clermonter Runenkästchens. Anglia, XXVII, 436–449. Cf. ZDPh. XXXIII, 409–421.
- Haigh, D. H. The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons, pp. 42 ff. 1861.
- Hempl, G. The variant runes on the Franks Casket. Boston, 1902.
- Hofmann, K. Über die Clairmonter Runen. Sitzungsber. der kgl. bayer. Akad. der Wissenschaften, pp. 665 ff. München, 1871.
- Napier, A. S. The Franks Casket. In An English Miscellany, presented to Dr. Furnivall, pp. 362–381 (with six facsimiles). Oxford, 1901.
- Sweet, H. Garsecg. Engl. Stud. II, 414 ff. Heilbronn, 1879.
- Vietor, W. Das angelsächsische Runenkästchen aus Auzon bei Clermont-Ferrand (with five plates). Marburg a. d. Lahn, 1901.
- Wadstein, E. The Clermont Runic Casket (with five plates). Almquist and Wiksell, Upsala, 1900.
- III. T
HE ROMAN ALPHABET IN ENGLAND: MANUSCRIPTS AND THEIR MAKERS; EARLY SCRIPTORIA AND LIBRARIES - Arndt, W. (revised by H. Bloch). Lateinische Schrift. In Paul’s Grundriss. 2nd ed. I, pp. 263–282. Strassburg, 1901.
- Bateson, M. Catalogue of the Library of Syon Monastery, Isleworth. Cambridge, 1898.
- Facsimiles of Ancient Charters in the British Museum. Ed. E. A. Bond. 4 parts. 1873–8.
- —— of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts (Ordance Survey). Ed. W. B. Sanders. 3 parts. Southampton, 1878–84.
- —— of National Manuscripts of England (Ordnance Survey). Ed. W. B. Sanders. 4 parts. Southampton, 1867–71.
- —— of Ireland (Ordnance Survey). Ed. J. T. Gilbert. 4 parts (in 5 vols.). Dublin and London, 1874–84.
- —— of Scotland (Ordnance Survey). Ed. C. Innes. 3 parts. Southampton, 1867–71.
- Gasquet, F.A. Notes on Medieval Monastic Libraries, Downside Review, X, pp. 87 ff., and the Old English Bible and other Essays. 1897.
- —— The Monastic Scriptorium, Downside Review, XI, 4 ff., and The Old English Bible and other Essays, pp. 41 ff. 1897.
- Gottleib, T. Über Mittelaterliche Bibliotheken. Leipzig, 1890.
- Hunter, Joseph. English Monastic Libraries : (i) A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton in Yorkshire; (ii) Notices of the Libraries belonging to other religious houses. 1831.
- James, M.R. The Ancient Libraries of Canterbury and Dover. Cambridge 1903.
- Karabacek, J. Das arabische Papier. Mitteil. aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, II and III. Vienna, 1887. Neue Quellen zur Papiergeschichte. IbidIV. Vienna, 1888.
- Keller, W. Angelsächsische Palaeographie. Die Schrift der Angelsachsen, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Denkmäler in der Volkssprache. Berlin, 1907.
- Kenyon, F. G. Facsimiles of Biblical Manuscripts in the Brit. Mus. 1900.
- Kirchhoff, A. Die Handschriftenhändler des Mittelalters. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1853.
- Omont, H. Anciens Catalogues des Bibliothéques Anglaises. Leipzig, 1892.,
- Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of MSS. and Inscriptions, edd. E. A. Bond, E. M. Thompson, G. F. Warner. 1873–94.
- Skeat, W. W. Twelve Facsimiles of Old English MSS. Oxford, 1892.
- The New Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of Ancient Manuscripts, ed. E. M. Thompson, G. F. Warner, F. G. Kenyon. 1903–. [In progress.]
- Thompson, Sir E. Maunde. Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography. 2nd ed., 1894. [With a list of the principal palaeographical works used, on pp. 327 ff.]
- Wattenbach, W. Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. 3rd ed. Leipzig, 1896.
- —— Anleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie. 4th ed. Leipzig, 1886.
- Westwood, J. O. Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria. 1844.
- —— Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. 1868.
- Wiesner, Jul. Die Faijûmer and Uschmûneiner Papiere. Eine naturwissenschaftliche, mit Rücksicht auf die Erkennung alter und moderner Papiere und auf die Entwickelung der Papierbereitung durchgeführte Untersuchung. Mitteil. aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, II and III. Vienna, 1887. Cf. eund., Studien über angelbiche Baumbastpapiere, Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad. 1892.