The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
VII. From Alfred to the ConquestBibliography
- G
ENERAL AUTHORITIES - (See also similar lists in earlier bibliographies.)
- Abegg, D. Die Entwicklung der hist. Dicht. der Angelsächsen. Strassburg, 1894. QF. LXXIII. Birch, De Gray. Cartularium Saxonicum 1885. Camden, W. Remaines. 1605, 1674, 1870, etc. Cockayne, T. O. Leechdoms, Wort-Cunning and Starcraft…illustrating the history of Science in this country before the Norman conquest. 1864 ff. 3 vols. Dixon, W. R. Fasti Eboracenses. 1863. Dugdale, W. Monasticum Anglicanum. 1655 ff., 1849. Ebert, A. Gesch. der Lit. des Mittelalters im Abendlande. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1874 ff. Einenkel, E. Über die Verfasser einiger neuangelsächsischer Schriften. 1887. Foxe, John. Acts and Monuments. 1563, 1570 ff. Furnivall, F. J., An English Miscellany presented to. Oxford, 1901. Graham, R. Intellectual Influence of English Monasticism between 10th and 12th centuries. Roy. Hist. Soc. XVII. Grein, C. W. M. Kurzgefasste angelsächsische grammatik. Cassel, 1880. Grein, C. W. M. and Wälker, R. Bibliothek der angelsächsischen prosa. Cassel and Göttingen. 1872–1900. Hadden, A. W. and Stubbs, W. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. Oxford, 1869 ff. Hickes, G. Thesaurus. Oxford, 1705.
- Hook, W. F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 12 vols. 1860 ff. John, Ivor B. Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance and Folklore. XI. 1901.
- Johnson, J. A Collection of the Laws and Canons of the Church of England. Oxford, 1850.
- Kemble, J. M. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici. Eng. Hist. Soc. 6 vols. 1839 ff. [An invaluable work.]
- Kemble, W. M., and Hardwick, C. The Gospel according to St. Matthew, in A. S. and Northumbrian versions, synoptically arranged. Cambridge, 1858.
- Körner, K. Einleitung in das Studium des Angelsächsischen. Heilbronn, 1880.
- Langebeck, J. Scriptores Rerum Danicarum Hafniae. 1773.
- Lappenberg, J. M. Geschichte von England. Hamburg, 1834. Eng. trans. 2 vols. 1845.
- Lingard, J. The Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2nd ed. 1810.
- Lipsius, R. A. Die Edessenische Abgarsage. Brunswick, 1880.
- Montalembert, De. The Monks of the West. Eng. trans. 7 vols. 1861 ff.
- Mosheim, J. L. Eccles. Hist. Ed. Stubbs. 3 vols. 1755, 1863.
- Mullinger, J. Bass. Schools of Charles the Great and Restoration of Education in the Ninth Century. 1877.
- Paul, H. Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie. (Ten Brink in VIII.) Strassburg, 1889 ff.
- Raine, J. The Historians of the Church of York. Rolls Series. 1879.
- Saran, F. Philol. Stud. Festgabe für E. Sievers. Halle, 1896.
- Shearin, H. G. The Expression of Purpose in Old English Prose. Yale Studies in English, XVIII. 1903.
- Sievers, E. Collationen angelsächsischer Gedichte. Haupt’s ZDA. XV.
- Skeat, W. W. The Holy Gospels. In A. S., Northumbrian and Old Mercian versions, synoptically arranged. Cambridge, 1871–87.
- Smith, J. Gregory. The Rise of Christian Monasticism. 1891.
- Somner, W. Dict. Sax.-Lat.-Angl. 1659. [For the poem on Durham.]
- Spelman, H. Concilia, decreta, leges, constitutiones, in re ecclesiarum orbis Britannici. 1639.
- Thorpe, B. Diplomat. Angl. Aevi Saxonici. 1865.
- Tupper, F. Hist. and Text of Benedictine Reform, 10th c. MLN. 1893.
- Twisden, R. Historiae anglicanae scriptores. 1652.
- Ussher, J. Eccles. Brit. Antiq. Ed. Elrington, C. R. 1842 ff.
- Verstegan, R. A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities. 1605.
- Vietor, W. Einführung in das Studium der Engl. Phil. Marburg, 1903.
- Warton, T. The History of English Poetry. 1774, 1840, 1854, 1871, etc.
- West, A. F. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools. 1892.
- Wharton, H. Anglia Sacra. 2 vols. 1692.
- Wilkins, D. Leges Anglo-Saxonicae ecclesiasticae et civiles. 1721.
- Worsaae, J. An account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1852.
- Wright, T. The Celt, Roman and Saxon. 1861.
- —— A History of English Culture. 1871.
- —— Popular treatises on Science…in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman and English. 1841.
- —— A Volume of Vocabularies. 1857, 1873. Ed. Wülker. 1883.
- Aelfric and Wulfstan, etc.
- For MSS., see foot of pages of text. For Aelfric’s life, see Wright, T., Biogr.
- Brit. Lit., Stevenson’s Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon, Acta Sanctorum and Mabillion’s Acta SS. Bened.
- Aethelwold, or Ethelwold. For the treatise on the circle attributed to Aethelwold, see Bodl. MS., Digby 83 f. 24. See also Miss M. Bateson’s edition of De Consuet. Monach., Hampshire Record Soc., 1892. Wulfstan of Winchester (fl. 1000) may be mentioned as a pupil of bp. Ethelwold. He versified Lanferth’s Life and Miracles of St. Swithun. MS., Brit. Mus. Royal, 15 C. vii.
- Assmann, B. Abt Aelfric’s ags. bearbeitung des buches Esther. Halle, 1885.
- —— Abt Aelfric’s A.S. Homilie über das Buch Judith. Anglia, x.
- Bale, John. Illustrium Majoris Britanniae Scriptorum. 1548.
- Bouterwek, K. W. Interrogationes Sigwulfi Presbyteri, in Screadunga.
- Elberfeldae, 1858.
- Chronicle of the Monastery of Abingdon. Ed. Stevenson, J. 2 vols. Rolls Series. 1858.
- Chronicles of Evesham. Ed. Macray, W. D. Rolls Series. 1863.
- Dietrich, E. Abt Aelfrik. Zur Literaturgesch. d.angelsäch. Kirche. Z. f. hist. Theol. 1855–6. [A standard work.]
- Dunstan. See Memorials, ed. Stubbs, Rolls Series, in which the early lives (Byrthferth’s etc.) are adequately treated.
- Einenkel, E. Der Sermo Lupi. Anglia, VII. See also Anglia, v.
- Elstob, W. Sermo Lupi Episcopi… Oxon. 1701.
- Goodwin, C. W. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Life of St. Guthlac… [Originally written in Latin, by Felix…of Crowland.] With a trans. and notes. 1848.
- Grein, Chr. Aelfric’s Auszug aus dem Buch der
- Richter. Anglia, II. Kinard, J. P. A study of Wulfstan’s Homilies. Baltimore, 1897.
- Kock, E. A. The rule of St. Benet in Northern Prose and Verse, and Caxton’s Summary. E.E.T.S. 1902.
- Lefèvre, P. Das altenglische Gedicht vom heiligen Guthlac. Anglia, VI. See also Wülker, R. in Anglia, III (on St. Neots). L’Isle, W. Divers ancient Monuments in the Saxon tongue. 1638.
- —— A Saxon Treatise concerning the Old and New Testament. 1623. Logeman, H. The rule of St. Benet. Lat. and Anglo-Saxon interlin. vers. E.E.T.S. 1888. Morris, R. The Blickling Homilies. E.E.T.S. 1874–80. See also Zupitza, J., ZDA. XXVI. Napier, A. Über die Werke des altenglischen Erzbischofs Wulfstan. Weimar, 1882.
- —— Wulfstan’s Homilies. Berlin, 1883. Nehab, J. Der altenglische Cato. Berlin, 1879. Norman, H. W. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil. 1849. Oswald, St. (d. 927), archbishop of York. See Historians of York, Rolls Series, for the Ramsey and Eadmer lives. Schröer, A. Die angelsächsischen Prosabearbeitungen der Benediktinerregel. 1885. See Grein-Wülker, Bibliothek. Skeat, W. W. (ed.). Lives of the Saints. E.E.T.S. 1881 ff. Sweet, H. Selections from Aelfric’s Homilies. Oxford, 1896. Testimonie, A, of Antiquitie, showing the auncient fayth in the Church of England touching the sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lord. 1566, etc. [For the Paschal homily.] Thorpe, B. Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. 1834. [For Aelfric’s Colloquium.
- The interlinear English gloss is in the Cott. MS., Tib. A. III, Brit. Mus., not in the Oxford MS. of Aelfric’s disciple.]
- —— Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (Aelfric’s Pastoral Letter, etc.). 2 vols. 1840.
- Thorpe, B. Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon church. 2 vols. Aelfric Soc. 1844–6. See also The Chief Sources of some Anglo-Saxon Homilies, Otia Merseiana, Liverpool, 1899.
- Thwaites, E. Heptateuchus…Evangelium Nicodemi…Judith… Oxford, 1698.
- Trautmann, M. Anglia, v.
- White, C. L. Aelfric. A New Study of his Life and Writings. Yale Studies in English. 1898. [Good bibliography.]
- Wyatt, A. J. and Johnson, H. H. A glossary to Aelfric’s Homilies. 1891.
- Zupitza, J. Aelfrics Grammatik und Glossar. Berlin, 1880. See also Oxford edition of Glossary, 1659.
- Battle of Maldon, or Byrhtnoth’s Death
- [The death is mentioned in the chronicles of Florence of Worcester, Henry of Huntingdon, etc.]
- Crow, C. L. Maldon and Brunanburh. Boston. 1897.
- Garnett, J. M. Translations of Byrthnoth’s Death, Judith, Elene, Brunanburh. Boston, 1882 ff.
- Haack. Zeugnisse zur altenglischen Heldensage. Kiel, 1892.
- Hardwick, C. Lancashire Battlefields.
- Hearne, T. Johannis…Glastoniensis Chronica sive Historia de Rebus Glastoniensibus. 2 vols. Oxford, 1726. See also Thorpe’s Analecta Anglo-Saxonica.
- Heinzel, R. Über den Styl der altgermanischen Poesie. QF.x.Hickey, E. In Verse Tales. Liverpool, 1889.
- Liebermann, F. Zur Geschichte Byrhtnoths. Arch.
CI. Ker, W. P. The Dark Ages. 1904. [“There is no stronger composition in English till the work of Chaucer; there is nothing equally heroic before Samson Agonistes,” p. 254.] - Lumsden. Trans. in Macmillan’s Mag. March, 1887.
- Sedgefield, W. J. The Battle of Maldon and Short Poems from the Saxon Chronicle. [Contains a useful bibliography.] Boston, 1904.
- Sims, W. R. MLN.
VII. 1892. - Trautmann, H. Anglia,
II andVII. - Zernial, U. Das Lied von Byrhtnoths Fall. Berlin, 1882.
- The Old English Chronicle
- (For MSS. see text.)
- The ground covered by the various recensions is as follows: Winchester,
B.C. 60–A.D. 1070. Worcester,A.D. 1–A.D. 1079. - Canterbury,
A.D. 1–A.D. 977. Peterborough,A.D. 1–A.D. 1154. - Abingdon,
B.C. 60–A.D. 1066. Cott. Dom. A.VIII, A.D. 1–A.D. 1058. - [The Latin Chronicle of Aethelweard (d. 998?), from the Creation to 975, is the earliest of a long line and may be mentioned here as being founded on the Old English Chronicle, and on the works of Isidore and Bede. The MS. was burnt in the Cottonian fire. See Mon. Hist. Brit. 1848, ed. Hardy, T. D., Giles’s Chronicles and Stevenson’s Church Historians of England.]
- Ettmüller, L. Scôpes vîdsìdh…Aethelstans Sieg bei Brunnanburg. Zürich, 1839.
- For Brunanburh, see also Henry of Huntingdon, Warton, Tennyson, and Crow’s and Sedgefield’s books under Battle of Maldon.
- Grubitz, E. Kritische Untersuchung über die angelsächsischen Annalen bis zum Jahre 893. Gottingen, 1868.
- Plummer, C. Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel (Parker A. and Laud E.). Oxford, 1892–9. See also J. Earle’s edition of 1865, Thorpe’s in the Rolls Series, 1861, in 2 vols., containing 6 texts and trans. and Gibson’s, Oxford, 1692.
- [The story of the death of king Cynewulf, to which reference is made on p. 118 ante, will be found in the Chronicle under the year 755. It relates the murder of Cynewulf by Cyneheard while the king was visiting his mistress at Merton, Surrey.]
- Doomsday Poems
- (See also P. u. B.’s Beitr. xx, 443.)
- Brandl, A, Be Domes Daege. Anglia,
IV. - Döring. The Anglo-Saxon Poets on the Judgment Day. Halle, 1890.
- Lumby, J. R. Be Domes Daege. E.E.T.S. 1876.
- (For the Grave poem, see Thorpe’s Analecta.) Gospels and Psalters
- Bosworth, J. and Waring, G. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels with the versions of Wyclif and Tyndale. 1865.
- Bouterwek, K. W. Die vier Evangelien in alt-nordhumbrischer Sprache. Gütersloh, 1857.
- Bright, J. W. The Gospels of St. Matthew, St. Mark and St. John, in West Saxon. 3 vols. Belles Lettres Series.
- Bruce, J. Douglas. The Anglo-Saxon version of the Book of Psalms. MLA.
IX. Baltimore, 1894. - Bülbring, K. D. The earliest English prose Psalter, etc. 1891. E.E.T.S. Chapman, H. W. An Index to the Old English Glosses of the Durham Hymnarium. Yale Studies in English,
XXIV. 1905. - Cook, A. S. Glossary of the Old Northumbrian Gospels (Lindisfarne Gospels, Old Durham Book). Halle, 1894. Foley, E. H. The Phonology of the Northumbrian Gloss of St. Matthew. Yale Studies in English,
XIV. 1903. Harris, M. A. A Glossary of the West-Saxon Gospels. Yale Studies in English,VI. 1899. Harsley, F. Eadwine’s Canterbury Psalter (Latin and Old English). E.E.T.S. 1889. Junius, F. (F. Du Jon). Quatuor D. N. Jesu Christi Evangeliorum. etc. Dordrecht, 1665. Kellum, M. D. The Language of the Northumbrian Gloss to the Gospel of S. Luke. Yale Studies in English,XXX. 1906. Lindelöf. Wörterbuch zur Interlin. des Rit. Eccles. Dunelm. etc. BBA.IX andX. 1901. [Parker, M.] Gospels, The, of the fower Evangelistes, trans. in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin. 1571. 2nd edition from an earlier copy, ed. Marshall. Dordrecht, 1665. Stevenson, J. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter. Surtees Society, 1844–7. - Stevenson, J. and Waring, G. The Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. Surtees Society. 1854–65.
- Tanger, G. Collation des Psalters. Anglia,
VI. - Thorpe, B. Libri Psalmorum…cum paraphrasi Anglo-Saxonica, etc. Oxford, 1835.
- —— Tha Halgan Godspel on Englisc. 1842.
- Warren, F. E. Leofric Missal. Oxford.
- Wülker, R. Das Evangelium Nicodemi in der Abendländischen Litteratur. Paderborn, 1872. [Cf. Ker’s Dark Ages, p. 67.]
- Zeuner, R. Die Sprache des Kentischen Psalters. Halle, 1882.
- Judith
- Brincker, F. Germanische Alterthümer in dem Angel. Ged. Judith. Hamburg, 1898.
- Cook, A. S. Judith (with trans.). 1888, 1904. [Excellent editions.]
- —— Notes on a Northumbrianised version of Judith. Amer. Phil. Ass.
XX. Elton, O. Trans. in An Eng. Miscellany (Furnivall Memorial Vol.). Oxford. 1991. - Foster, J. Gregory. Judith. Studies in Metre, Language and Style. Strassburg, 1892. QF. 71. Hall, J. L. Judith, etc. New York, etc. 1902.
- Hickey, E. H. Trans. in Jrnl. of Education, 1 Feb. 1889.
- Neumann, M. Über das Altenglische Gedichte von Judith. Kiel, 1892.
- Nilsson, L. G. Judith. Copenhagen. 1858.
- Legends, Sacred and Secular
- The Holy Rood, etc. (for the South English Legendary and Cursor Mundi, see bibliography to Chapter
XVI. ). - Baskervill, W. M. Anglia,
IV, on Alexander and Aristotle. - Cockayne, O. Narratiunculae Anglice Conscriptae. 1861. [For Alexander to Aristotle and Wonders of the East.]
- Copland, R. Apol. of Tyre. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1510. Ed. Ashbee. 1870.
- Goodwin, C. W. Anglo-Saxon Legends of St. Andrew and St. Veronica. Camb. Antiq. Soc. 1851.
- Herzfeld, G. An Old English Martyrology. E.E.T.S. 1900.
- Holder, A. Inventio sanctae Crucis. Leipzig, 1889.
- Klebs, E. Die Erzählung von Ap. aus Tyrus. Berlin, 1899.
- Meyer, W. Die Geschichte des Kreuzholzes vor Christus. Münich, 1882.
- Morris, R. Legends of the Holy Rood. E.E.T.S. 1871.
- Mussafia, A. Sulla leggenda del legno della Croce. Sitz. der Wiener Akad.
LXIII. 1869. - Napier, A. S. Legend of the Cross, a 12th c. vers. E.E.T.S. 1894.
- Nestle, E. De sancta cruce. Berlin, 1889.
- Rothschild, J. de. Le mistère du viel Testament. Paris, 1878–84.
- Singer, S. Apollonius von Tyrus. Berlin, 1906.
- Smyth, A. H. Shakespeare’s Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre. 1898. [Contains a discussion of relations.]
- Thorpe, B. Apollonius of Tyre. With a trans. 1834. See also Gesta Romanorum and similar collections.
- Zupitza, J. On Apollonius. Anglia,
I, and Archiv, XCII. - Menologium
- Bouterwek, K. W. Calendewide, i.e. Menologium Ecclesiae Anglo-Saxonicae poeticum. Gütersloh, 1857.
- Fox, S. Menologium seu Calendarium Poeticum. With Eng. trans. 1830.
- Hoops. Uber die altengl. Pflanzennamem. Freib. i. B. 1889.
- (See also Cosijn, P. u. B.’s Beitr. xx.)
OTE. –-An earlier year than the usually accepted 901 for the date of Alfred’s death has been held of late. See Stevenson, W. H., under Alfred.