The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
VIII. The Norman ConquestBibliography
- Anselm. For works see Migne, Patrologia. See also Dean Church on Anselm, 1843, 1870 ff.; Eadmer in Rolls Series, ed. Rule, M., 1884; life by de Rèmusat, C., Paris, 1853–68.
- Bateson, M. Medieval England, 1066–1350. 1905. [An excellent work, on Norman Feudalism, The Lawyers’ Feudalism and Decadent Feudalism. See especially the chapters on Learning, Art and Education, the Church and the Nation, etc.]
- Craik, G. L. A Compendious Hist. of Eng. Lit. and of the Eng. Lang. from the Norman Conquest. 2 vols. 1869. [Contains many useful sections on Arabic learning, scholastic philosophy, Law treatises, Norman trouvères, mathematical and other studies, Anglo-Norman poets, the Here prophecy and publications of literary societies.]
- Dunstan. See Stubbs’ invaluable Memorials in Rolls Series, which contains Osbern’s life, and other documents.
- Fowke, M. F. R. Bayeux Tapestry. Arundel Soc. 1875.
- Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman Conquest. 6 vols. 1867 ff. Froude, J. A. Life and Times of Becket (in Short Studies). 1867 ff. Gaimar, Geoffrey (fl. 1140?). Lestorie des Engles. Ed Hardy, T. D., and Martin, E.T. Rolls Series 1888–9. See Meyer P., in Romania, XVIII. Hardy, T. D. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Rolls Series. 1862 ff. Hunt, W. and Poole, R. L. (edd.). Political History of England. 12 vols. In progress. Hutton, W.H. St. Thomas of Canterbury. Eng. Contemp. Writers. 1890. Jordan Fantosme. Chronique de la Guerre entre des Anglois et les Escossois, 1173–4, in French verse, edd. Howlett, R., in Chron. Steph., Henry II and Richard I, Rolls Series, 1884 ff.; and Michel, Fr., Surtees Soc. XI, 1840. Jusserand, J. J. Hist. Litt. du peuple Angl. Vol. 1. See esp. Les Lettres françaises sous les rois Normands et Angevins, and Le Nouveau Peuple. Laing, S. and Anderson, R. B. The Heimskringla Saga, or the Sagas of the Norse Kings, from the Icelandic of Snorre Sturlason. 4 vols. 1889. Lanfranc. For works, see Giles, J. A., Patres Ecclesiae, 1844. See also Freeman’s William the Conqueror and William Rufus; and, on the Lombard handwriting in vogue at Canterbury, James, M. R., Ancient Libraries of Canterbury and Dover, Cambridge, 1903. Loliée, F. A Short Hist. of Comparative Lit. Eng. trans. Power, M. D. 1906.
- Maitland, F. W. Domesday Book and Beyond. Cambridge, 1897. [For the Domesday Book itself, see the Rolls Series.]
- Maître, L. Les Ècoles Èpiscopales et Monastiques. Paris, 1866.
- Norgate, K. England under the Angevin Kings. 2 vols. 1887.
- Norman Literature. For French and Anglo-Norman literature at the time of the Conquest, and an account of the works produced both in England and in France by Anglo-Norman writers, see Paris, Gaston, La Litt. fr. au Moyen Age (XIe–XIVe siècle), 1890, and the Notes Bibliographiques at the end of that volume; Petit de Julleville, Hist. de la Langue et de la Litt. fr. des Origines á 1900, Vols. I and II Moyen Age, des Origines á 1500; the Hist. Litt. de la France, Paris, 1733 ff.; Schofield, W. H., Eng. Lit. from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, 1906 (contains a fuller account of Anglo-Norman work than has hitherto been given in a history of English literature); Edwardes, Marian, A Summary of the Literatures of Modern Europe (England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) from the origins to 1500, 1907 (an excellent and most useful handbook of summaries and bibliographies); and also the Bibliographies to Chapters XII, XIII and XIV. The influence of Anglo-Norman Poetry on English verse is discussed at length in Courthope, W. J., A History of English Poetry, Vol. I (The Middle Ages: Influence of the Roman Empire—The Encyclopaedic Education of the Church—The Feudal System), and interesting details of the treatment of Old English MSS. by Norman monks will be found in Morley’s English Writers, Vol. 11, 107, and Warton’s English Poetry, Vol. 1. For Provençal literature, the troubadous and the trouvé, see Julleville, Vols. I and II; Stimming, in Gröber’s Grundriss der Rom. Phil., Strassburg, 1898 ff.; Paris, G., Les Origines de la Poèsie lyrique en France au moyen âge, Paris, 1889; and Schofield. The fashions of the minstrels are discussed in the latter work on p. 17, and, at greater length, in Chambers, E. K., The Medieval Stage, Vol. I.
- Pearson, C. H. History of England during the Early and Middle Ages. 2 vols. 1867.
- Round, J. H. Feudal England. 1895.
- Sandys, J. E. A History of Classical Scholarship from the sixth century
B.C. to the end of the Middle Ages. 2nd ed. 1907. Steele, R. On Science and Pseudo-Science, 1270–1340, in Traill’s Social England, 11. Stubbs, W. Constitutional History of England. Oxford, 1874 ff. - —— Select Charters. Oxford, 1870 ff. Taine, H. A. Hist. of Eng. Lit. Eng. trans. Van Laun, H. 4 vols. Latest ed., 1906. Bk. 1, The Source (Saxons, Normans and the New Tongue). Traill, H. D. Social England, 1. 1898. Tucker, T. G. The Foreign Debt of English Literature, 1907. [Brief summaries, with good tables, of Greek, Latin, French, Italian and other influences, together with an interesting chapter of Literary Currents of the Dark Ages.] Vinogradoff, P. English Society in the 11th century. Oxford, 1908. Wace (fl.1170). The Roman de Rou is a valuable metrical record of the deeds of Norman dukes, prepared for Henry II. Wace is an honest chronicler, and his clear phrasing shows the typical Norman; the portions of his work dealing with Hastings are of especial interest to us. There is no good edition of the Roman. See Gaston Paris, Romania, IX, and Körting
- Ueber die Quellen des Roman de Rou, Leipzig, 1867. For Wace’s Brut–-an excellent rimed version of Geoffrey of Monmouth, in which the Round Table makes its appearance–-and his connection with Layamon and Arthur, see Chapters XI and XII; Fletcher, R. H., Harvard Studies and Notes, X, Boston, 1906; Brown, A. C. L., The Round Table before Wace, Studies and Notes (Harvard), VII; and also William of Poitiers’ Gesta Willelmi ducis Normannorum et regis Angliae (Giles’s Scriptores, Caxton Soc., 1845). Wright, T. Popular Treatises on Science, 1841. For a brief bibliography of Chansons de Geste, see M. Lèon Gautier’s L’ÈpopÈe Nationale, in Julleville, op. cit. I. See also Bèdier, J., Les Lègendes Èpiques (in the press); Gautier, L., Les Èpopeès fr., Paris, 4 vols., 1878 ff.; Mätzner, E., Altfr. Leider, Berlin, 1853; Meyer, P., Doc. MSS. de l’anc. Lit. de la France, cons. dans les bibl. de la Gr. Bretagne, Paris, 1871; Meyer, P., Mèlanges de poèsie Anglo-Normande, Romania, IV, XV; Paris, G., Hist. poèt. de Charlemagne, new ed., Paris, 1905; Ten Brink, B., Hist. Eng. Lit., Vol. I, Appendix on the date of the English Song of Roland. The bibliography to the Carolingian Romances in Chapters XII, XIII, post, should also be consulted.