The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
IX. Latin Chroniclers from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth CenturiesBibliography
- I. E
DITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS - (i) General Collections and Authorities
- Annales Monastici (
A.D. 1–1432). Ed. Luard, H. R. Rolls Series. 5 vols. 1864–9. - Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. 2 vols. Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series.
- Chronicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry II, and Richard I. Ed. Howlett, R. Rolls Series. 4 vols. 1884–9.
- Chronicles of the Reigns of Edward I and Edward II. Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1882–3.
- Church Historians of England. Stevenson, J. 5 vols. in 8. 1853–8. Contains trans. of Simeon of Durham, Chronicle of Melrose, John and Richard of Hexham, William of Malmesbury, William of Newburgh, Robert of Torigny, Gesta Stephani, Gervase of Canterbury, Richard of Devizes. Dugdale, W. Monasticum Anglicanum. 8 vols. 1655 ff.
- Liebermann, F. Ungedruckte Anglo-Normannische Geschichtsquellen. Strassburg, 1879.
- Migne, J. P. Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Latina. 221 vols. in 222. Paris, 1844–64.
- Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christianity. 9 vols. 1854 ff.
- Monumenta Franciscana. Rolls Series. 1858–82.
- Pertz, G. H. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. 30 vols. Hanover, 1826–96.
- See esp. Vols. XIII, XXVII, XXVIII for Anglo-Norman Chroniclers. Pipe Roll Society’s publications. 1884 ff.
- Rolls Series. For Chronicles of separate monasteries, e.g. Abingdon, Evesham, Malmesbury, etc.
- Becket, St. Thomas. For Chronicles of the life of Becket see Bosham and Fitzstephen below, and also the volume by Hutton, W. H., in the admirable series entitled English History from Contemporary Writers.
- Bosham, Herbert of (fl. 1162–86). Biographer of St. Thomas of Canterbury. See ed. Giles, J. A., in Sanctus Thomas Cantuariensis, 1846; Migne’s Patrologia, cxc; and Robertson, J. C., Materials for the History of Abp. T. Becket, Rolls Series.
- Bracton, Henry of. De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Ed. Travers Twiss. Rolls Series. 6 vols. 1878–83. Notebook. Ed. Maitland, F. W. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1887.
- Chronica de Mailros (A. D. 731–1275). Ed. by Stevenson, J. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1839.
- Chronica Monasterii St. Albani. Ed. Riley, H. T. Rolls Series. 1863–76. Clare, Osbert de (fl. 1136). For his letters on contemporary events, see Scriptores Monastici. Brussels, 1846.
- Coggeshall, Ralph of (d. about 1227). Chronicon Anglicanum (1066–1223). Ed. Stevenson, J. Rolls Series. 1875.
- Cotton. Bartholomew de (d. 1298?). Historia Anglicana (chief value for 1291–98). Ed. Luard, H. R. Rolls Series. 1859. Devizes, Richard of. De Rebus Gestis Ricardi Primi (1189–92). Ed. Stevenson, J., for Eng. Hist. Soc., 1838. Another edition by Howlett, R., in Rolls Series, Chronicles of Stephen, etc. 1886. Trans. Giles, J. A., in Chronicles of the Crusades. 1848. Diceto, Ralph of (d. about 1202). Opera Historica. Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1876. Durham, Simeon of (d. after 1129). Opera Omnia. Ed. Arnold, T. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1882–5. Eadmer (d. about 1124). Historia Novorum in Anglia (
A.D. 960–1122). Ed. Rule, M. Rolls Series. 1884. Edward the Confessor, Lives of. Ed. Luard, H. R. Rolls Series. 1858. Ely, Thomas of (fl. 1175). For his history of Ely, see Acta Sanctorum, Stewart’s Liber Eliensis and Wharton’s Angliae Sacra. Ernulf (1040–1124). Pupil of Lanfranc, canonist and compiler of Textus Roffensis, a valuable collection of documents of local and national interest. Ed. Hearne. 1720. Fitz-Neal, Richard. Dialogus de Scaccario. Ed. Stubbs, W. Select Charters. 8th ed. Oxford, 1895. Also ed. Hughes, A., Crump, C. G., Johnson, C. Oxford, 1902. See Madox, T., History of the Exch., 1711–69. Fitzstephen, Wm. (d. 1190?) Author of the valuable Vita Sancti Thomae [Becket]. Ed. Robertson. Rolls Series. 1877. [Fitzstephen’s book is also of use as a contribution to the history of London.] Flores Historiarum (from the Creation to 1326). Ed. Luard, H. R. Rolls Series. 3 vols. 1890. Trans. Yonge, C. D. 1853. 2 vols. Foliot, Gilbert. Epistolae. Ed. Giles, J. A., in Patres Ecclesiae Anglicanae. 2 vols. 1845. Gervase of Canterbury (d. about 1210), The Historical Works of Ed., Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1879–80. Gervase of Tilbury. Otia Imperialia. Ed. Leibnitz, G. G., in Vols. I and II of Scriptores Rerum Brunsvicensium. Hanover, 1707–10. Extracts ed. by Stevenson, J., in edition of Ralph of Coggeshall’s Chronicle. Rolls Series. 1875. - Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi (1169–92). Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 1867. [Formerly ascribed to Benedict of Peterborough.]
- Gesta Stephani (1135–47). Ed. Sewell, R. C., for Eng. Hist. Soc. 1846. Also ed. by Howlett, R. Rolls Series. 1886. Trans. Forester (with Henry of Huntingdon’s Chron.). 1853.
- Giraldus Cambrensis (d. about 1220). Opera. Ed. Brewer, J. S., Dimock, J. F. and Warner, G. F. Rolls Series. 8 vols. 1861–91. Trans. Forester, T. and Hoare, R. C., rev. Wright, T. 1863.
- Glanville, Ranulf de. Tractatus de Legibus etc. Ed. Phillips, G. 2 vols. Berlin, 1827–8.
- Hemingburgh, Walter of. Chronicon (1048–1346). Ed. Hamilton, H. C., for Eng. Hist. Soc. 2 vols. 1848–9.
- Henry of Huntingdon (d. about 1155). Historia Anglorum (
B.C. 55–A.D. 1154). Ed. Arnold, Thos. Rolls Series. 1879. Trans. Forester, T. 1853. - Hexham, John of. Historia (1130–54). Ed. Arnold, T., in Vol. 11 of Simeon of Durham’s works. Rolls Series. 1885. Hexham, Richard of. Historia de gestis regis Stephani et de bello de standardo (1135–9). Ed. Howlett, R. Chronicles of Stephen, etc. Vol. III. Rolls Series. 1886. Hoveden, Roger of (d. about 1201). Chronica (
A.D. 732–1201). Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 4 vols. Trans. Riley, H. T. 2 vols. 1853. Jocelin of Brakelond. Chronica (1173–1203). Ed. Rokewode, J. G. Camden Society. 1840. Also ed. Arnold, Thos., in Vol. I of Memorials of St. Edmund’s Abbey. Rolls Series. 3 vols. 1890–6. Trans. Tomlins, T. E., in Monastic and Social Life in the Twelfth Century, 1844; and Clarke, Sir E., 1903. John of Salisbury. Opera omnia. Ed. Giles, J. A., in Patres Eccles. Anglic. 5 vols. Oxford, 1848. Kirkstall, Hugh of (fl. 1200). Historian of Fountains Abbey. See Gale MS., Trinity College, Camb., and Surtees Society text, ed. Walbran, J. R., 1863. Malmesbury, William of. De Gestis Regum Anglorum (449–1127). Historia Novella (1125–42). Ed. Stubbs, W. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1887–9. Trans. Giles, J. A. 1847. Map, Walter. De Nugis Curialium (completed about 1190). Ed. Wright, T. Camden Society. 1850. - Monmouth, Geoffrey of. Historia Regum Britanniae. Ed. Giles, J. A. 1844. Also ed. by San-Marte (Schulz, A.). Halle, 1854. Trans. Giles, J. A., in Six Old English Chronicles. 1848. Also trans. Evans, Sebastian. 1903.
- Newburgh, William of. Historia Rerum Anglicarum (1066–1198). Ed. Hamilton, H. C. Eng. Hist. Soc. 2 vols. 1856. Also ed. by Howlett, R., in Chronicles of Stephen etc. Rolls Series. 1884–5.
- Niger, Ralph (fl. 1170). Student of Paris and precursor of Ralph Coggeshall. See Caxton Soc. edition of his Chronicles, ed. Anstruther, R., 1851. Oxenedes or Oxnead, John de (d. 1293?). For the Chronicle attributed to him see Liebermann in Mon. Germ. His. Script. XXVIII.
- Paris, Matthew. Chronica Majora (from the Creation to 1259). Ed. Luard, H. R. Rolls Series. 7 vols. 1872–83. Historia Anglorum (mainly an abridgment from the Chronica Majora). Ed. Madden, F. Rolls Series. 3 vols. 1866–9. Trans. Giles, J. A. 3 vols. 1852–4.
- Peter of Blois. Opera Omnia. Ed. Giles, J. A., in Patres Ecclesiae Anglicanae (35 vols.). 4 vols. Oxford, 1846–7.
- Rievaulx, Ailred of. Relatio de Standardo. Ed. Howlett, R., in Chronicles of Stephen, etc. Rolls Series. 1886. For other printed works, see Migne’s Patrologia, cxcv, and cf. Jusserand, J. J., English Essays from a French Pen, 1895.
- Rishanger, William. Chronica (1259–1306). Ed. Riley, H. T. Rolls Series. 1865.
- Taxster of Tayster, John de. Chronica Abbreviata (down to 1265). Ed. Thorpe, B., in Florence of Worcester’s Chronicle. Eng. Hist. Soc. 1849.
- Torigny, Robert of. Chronica (
A.D. 94–1186). Ed. Howlett, R., in Chronicles of Stephen, etc. Rolls Series. 1889. - Trevet, Nicholas. Annals Sex Regum Angliae (1135–1307). Ed. Hog. T. Eng. Hist. Soc. 1845.
- Trokelowe, John of. Annales (1307–25). Chron. Monast. St. Albani. Vol. IV.
- Turgot (d. 1115). [Bishop of St. Andrews, probably author of the Life of St. Margaret, queen of Scotland.] See Acta Sanctorum, 10 June, and MS., Brit. Mus. Cott. Tib. D. iii. Vitalis, Ordericus. Historia Ecclesiastica (
A.D. 1–1141). Ed. Prèvost, A. le. Sociètè de l’Histoire de France. 5 vols. Paris, 1838–55. Trans. Forester, T. 4 vols. 1855–6. Wendover, Roger of. Flores Historiarum (from the Creation to 1235). Ed. Coxe, H. O. Eng. Hist. Soc. 4 vols. 1841–4. Also ed. Hewlett, H. G. Rolls Series. 3 vols. 1886–9. Trans. Giles, J. A. 2 vols. 1849. Worcester, Florence of. Chronicon ex Chronicis (down to 1117), with two continuations. Ed. Thorpe, B. Eng. Hist. Soc. 2 vols. 1848–9. Trans. Forester, T. 1854. Wykes, Thomas. Chronicon (1066–1289). Ed. Luard, H. R. Annales Monastici, IV. Rolls Series. 1869. - II. B
IBLIOGRAPHIES - Hardy, T. D. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland (to 1327). 3 vols. in 4 parts. Rolls Series. 1862–71.
- Gardiner, S. R. and Mullinger, J. B. Introduction to the study of English History. 1881.
- Gross, C. The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485. 1900. See esp. Part IV, Ch. I.
- III. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - The standard biographies of the Chroniclers are those in the Dictionary of National Biography, and by the various editors of the publications in the Rolls Series. For a general account of the Chroniclers the Introductions to Vols. II and III of T. D. Hardy’s Descriptive Catalogue are of high value. Much general information will also be found in the Introductions, especially those of Stubbs and H. R. Luard, to the Rolls Series editions of various Chroniclers. The best popular account of the Chroniclers is that of J. Gairdner, Early Chroniclers of Europe (England), 1879. Good brief general accounts are also given in the following works:
- Potthast, A. Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Berlin, 1896. Morley, H. English Writers. Vol. III. 1888. Social England. Ed. Traill, H. D. Vol. I. 1893. Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman Conquest. Vol. V. Ch. XXV. Oxford, 1876. Stubbs, W. Lectures on Medieval and Modern History. (Lect. VI and VII.) Oxford. 1886.
For individual Chroniclers the following are of value: - Birch, De Gray. Life and Writings of William of Malmesbury. Reprinted from Trans. of Royal Soc. of Lit., vol. x. 1874.
- Carlyle, T. Past and Present (Jocelin of Brakelond). 1843.
- Church, R. W. St. Anselm. (Ch. VI, Orderic the Chronicler.) 1895.
- Evans, Sebastian. Epilogue to Translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History. 1903. Guizot, F. P. G. Preface to French translation (by Dubois, L.) of Ordericus Vitalis. Histoire de Normandie. 4 vols. Paris. 1825–7. Jessopp, A. Studies by a Recluse (St. Albans and Her Historian). 1893. Norgate, K. England under the Angevin Kings. [Good accounts of Wm. of Mahnesbury and Wm. of Newburgh.] 2 vols. 1887. Owen, H. Gerald the Welshman. 1904. Stubbs, W. Hist. Introds. to Rolls Series. Ed. Hassall, A. 1902.