The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
X. English Scholars of Paris and Franciscans of OxfordBibliography
- (A) O
RIGINAL TEXTS - Alain de Lille. (1) Anti-Claudianus in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the XIIth century, vol. II, 268–428, ed. in Rolls Series by Wright, Thomas. 1872.
- (2) Commentary on the prophecies of Merlin in Prophetia Anglicana. Francofurti, 1603.
- (3) Opera omnia in Migne, Patr. Lat., vol. CCX. Paris, 1844, etc. Alexander of Hales. Summa Theologiae, Joh. de Colonia, Venice, 1475; Nuremberg, 1482; Venice, 1575; Cologne, 1622. MS. of his Exposition of the Apocalypse, in Cambridge University Library, Mm. v. 31.
- Bacon, Roger. (1) Opus Majus, ed. Jebb, Samuel, 1733; ed. Bridges, J. H., 2 vols., Oxford, 1897; supplementary vol., London, 1900; Preface first printed by Gasquet, F. A., in Eng. Hist. Rev., 1897, p. 516.
- (2) Opera Inedita, viz. Opus Tertium, Opus Minus, and Compendium Philosophiae, ed. Brewer, J. S., in Rolls Series, 1859.
- (3) Extracts from Computus rerum naturalium, Opus Majus, Minus and Tertium, and Compendium Philosophiae and Theologiae in E. Charles, Roger Bacon, pp. 335–416, Paris, 1861.
- (4) Greek Grammar, ed. Nolan, E., with Introduction by Hirsch, S. A., Cambridge, 1902.
- Baconthorpe, John. (1) Opus super quattuor Sententiarum libris. Paris, 1484; Milan, 1510 f. (2) Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum. Cremona, 1618.
- (3) Aureum Opusculum (on Aristotle’s Ethics, Metaphysics, and Politics). Venice, 1509. Commentaries on his writings by Zagalia in seven folio volumes, Ferrara and Parma, 1696–1706; and in three volumes by Aymers, H., Turin, 1667–9. [See also Fuller, Church History, Bk. III.]
- Bartholomaeus Anglicus. De Proprietatibus Rerum, Ulric Zell, Cologne, c. 1470; Francfort, 1601; E. T. by Trevisa, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, Westminster, c. 1495.
- Bradwardine, Thomas. Arithmetica et Geometria Speculativa, Paris, 1502–30; De Causa Dei, ed. Savile, H., 1618.
- Burleigh, or Burley, Walter. Liber de vita ac moribus philosophorum, MS. in Library of Trinity Coll., Cambridge (O. 2.50; no. 1154 M. R. James); 1472, Cologne (and several early editions without date); latest ed. (Stuttgart Litterarischer Verein, vol. 177) Tubingen, 1886. Canon, or Canonicus, John (fl. 1329). Quaestiones profundissimi doctoris Johannis Canonici ordinis minoris super octo libris Phisicorum Aristotelis. Padua, 1475.
- Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, 4 vols., edd. Denifle and Chatelain; Paris, 1889–97.
- Conyngton, Richard de (d. 1330). Oxford and Cambridge Franciscan schoolman.
- (1) Commentary on the Sentences, in the Vatican (Wadding, VII, 168).
- (2) Exposition of the seven penitential psalms, in the Bodleian, Selden, supra 64, fol. 160.
- (3) Tractatus…de paupertate contra opiniones Fratris Petri Joannis (Olivi), in the Laurentian, XXXVI, dext. cod. XII.
- Curson of Kedleston. Reputed author of (1) a Summa Theologiae, (2) De Salvatione Origenis, etc. Dastin, or Daustin, John (fl. 1320). (1) Visio super artem Alchemicam, in H. Condeesyanus, Harmoniae…Chemico-Philosophicae decas I, pt. 2, Frankfurt, 1625, and in Theatrum Chemicum, Geneva, 1651; E. T. in Ashmole’s Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652. Duns Scotus, Joannes. (1) Quaestiones, 1474, (2) Opuis Oxoniense, 1481. (3) De Rerum Principio, Venice, 1497. (4) De Modis Significandi sive Grammatica Speculativa, Venice, 1499. (5) Opera, ed. Wadding, etc., in 12 folio volumes, Lyons, 1639.
- Eccleston, Thomas de. De Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam, in Monumenta Franciscana (Rolls Series), ed. Brewer, J. S., vol. I, pp. 1–72, 1858.
- Gaddesden, John of (d. 1361). Rosa Medicinae (C. 1305–7). Pavia, 1492. [Cf. Chaucer’s Prologue, 434.]
- Garlandia, Joannes de. (1) De Triumphis Ecclesiae, ed. Wright, T., Roxburghe Club, 1856.
- (2) Opus Synonymorum in Leyser, Hist. Poet. Medii Aevi, p. 311, and in Migne, Patrologia LAtina, CL, 1577 f., PAris, 1854. (3) Dictionarius in A. Scheler’s Lexicographie Latine, Leipzig, 1867. Alos unpub. MSS. in Library of Gonville and Caius Coll., Cambridge. Geoffrey de Vinsauf, Galfridus de Vino Salvo. Poetria Nova, in P. Leyser, Historia Poetarum et Poematum Medii Aevi, Halle, 1721, pp. 862–978; also separately, ed. Leyser, P., 1724. Gervase of Tilbury. (1) Otia Imperialia, Leibnitz, Scriptores Retum Brunsvicensium, 1707, 1, 888, 975; also Supplementa, II. (2) Excerpts in Bouquet’s Recueil de Historiens des Gaules, 1738–79, vols. XI and XIV.
- (3) Annotated Selections in Liebrecht, F., Des Gervasii von Tilbüry Otia Imperialia, in einer Auswahl neu herausgegeben mit Anmerkungen begleitet, Hanover, 1856. (4) Excerpta in Radulphi de Coggeshall Chron. Angl., ed. Stevenson, J. (Rolls Series), 1875.
- Gilbert the Englishman (fl. 1250). Compendium Medicinae. Lyons, 1510.
- Giraldus Cambrensis. Opera in 8 vols. in Rolls Series, 1861–91. Vols. 1–4, ed. Brewer, J. S.; vol. 1 (1861), De Rebus a se Gestis; De Invectionibus, books V, VI; Symbolum Electorum; Autobiography; Letter to Stephen Langton, and to the Chapter of Hereford; Shorter Catalogue of his Works; and Retractationes; vol. 2 (1862), Gemma Ecclesiastica; vol. 3 (1863), De Invectionibus, books I-IV; De Jure et Statu Menevensis Ecclesiae; Vita S. Davidis, S. Ethelberti, et Davidis II; vol. 4 (1873), Speculum Ecclesiae; Vita Galfridi Archiepiscopi Eboracensis. Vols. 5–7, ed. Dimock, J. F.; vol. 5 (1861), Topographia Hibernica, and Expugnatio Hibernica; vol. 6 (1868), Itinerarium Kambriae, and Descriptio Kambriae; vol. 7, ed. Dimock, J. F. and Freeman, E. A. (1868–77), Vita S. Remigii, S. Hugonis, and Appendix of Lincoln Documents. Vol. VIII, ed. Warner, G. F. (1891), De Principis Institutione, with Index to vols. 1–4.
- Godfrey of Winchester. Godofredi Prioris Epigrammata, in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the XIIth century, ed. in Rolls Series by Wright, Thomas 1872, vol. II, 103–155.
- Grosseteste, Robert. Roberti Grosseteste, Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epistolae, ed. in Rolls Series by Luard, H. R., 1861.
- Château d’Amour, ed. Halliwell, J. O., 1849; in Carmina Anglo-Normannica, ed. Cooke, M., Caxton Soc., 1852; E. T. ed. Weymouth, R. F., London Phil. Soc., 1864. [See the bibliography in S. Pegge’s Life of Grosseteste, 1793, and Stevenson, F. S., on Grosseteste.]
- Hauteville, Jean de. Johannis de Altavilla Architrenius, in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the XIIth century, vol. I, 240–392, ed. in Rolls Series by Wright, Thomas. [Architrenius is of considerable value as reflecting the social conditions of the day.]
- Henry of Huntingdon. Epigrammata in Henrici archidiaconi historiae liber undecimus, in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the XIIth century, vol. II, 163–174, ed. in Rolls Series by Wright, Thomas, 1872.
- Henry of Saltrey. Latin prose version of Purgatory of St. Patrick, in Matthew Paris, Chronica Majora, II, 192–203 (ed. Luard); first printed in Massingham’s Florilegium insulae sanctae Hiberniae, Paris, 1624, pp. 84 ff.
- Hilarius. Hilarii versus et ludi, ed. J. J. Champollion-Figeac, Paris, 1838; extracts in Wright’s Biographia Britannica Literaria.
- Holkot, Robert of (d. 1349). (1) Quaestiones, on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. Lyons, 1497, etc.
- (2) Conferentiae. ib. (3) Moralitates Historiarum. Venice, 1505.
- Hoveden, John. (1) Philomela sive meditacio, on the Life of Christ. Ghent, 1516.
- (2) Poem beginning “Philomela, praevia temporis amoeni.” Printed in the works of S. Bonaventura, e.g. VI, 445 Venice; E.T.
- (c. 1460) in Cotton MS., Cal. A. II, 59 f. [Bibliography in Leyser’s Historia Poetarum… Medii Aevi, 1721, pp. 1006–8, and in D. N. B.] John of Salisbury. Joannes Saresberiensis, Opera, (1) ed. Giles, J. A., in 5 vols., Oxford and London, 1848; (2) in Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. CXCIX, Paris, 1855.
- (3) Entheticus. Johannis Saresberiensis Entheticus de dogmate philosophorum nunc primum editus et commentariis instructus a Christian Petersen, Hamburg, 1843.
- (4) Policraticus, ed. Webb, C. C. J., Oxford, announced in 1906.
- (5) Historia Pontificalis, ed. Pertz, in Mon. Germ. Hist. XX, 517–545 (cf. Giesebrecht, in Sitzungsb. Munich Acad. 1873, p. 124).
- Joseph of Exeter. (1) Josephus Iscanus, De Bello Trojano, once current under the names of Dares Phrygius and Cornelius Nepos (Basel, 1541, etc.); first published as the work of Josephus Iscanus by Joannes Thymius, Frankfurt, 1620; also London, 1675.
- (2) De Josepho Exoniensi vel Iscano thesim proponebat J. J. Jusserand; accedunt de Bello Trojano poematis liber I, necnon notulae s. xiii conscriptae, Paris, 1877.
- (3) Fragment of 12 lines of Antiocheis in Camden’s Britannia, end of notes to Book III.
- Kilwardby, Robert. (1) Commentary on Priscian, books I–XV, in Cambridge University Library, MS., Kk. 3. 20.
- (2) Thirty-nine treatises on philosphy (Hauréau, La Philosophie Scolastique, II, ii, 29).
- Langton, Stephen. (1) Many commentaries, etc., on the books of the Old Testament, in Oxford and Cambridge MSS.
- (2) Documenta Clericorum. Latin poem in Bodl. MS., 57, f. 66 b.
- (3) Sermon in Latin and French. British Museum, Arundel, 292 f. 38. [He is credited with the division of the Bible into chapters.]
- Lavenham, Richard (fl. 1380), Carmelite friar at Ipswich, prior of the Carmelites in Bristol; studied at Oxford; reputed authod of more than 60 treatises on scholastic philosophy, etc. MS. of “De Causis Naturalibus” in Cambridge University Library, Hh. IV, 13, 55 f.
- Lawrence of Durham. (1) Hypognosticon sive Memoriale Veteris et Novi Testamenti, MSS. in Bodleian, British Museum, Lambeth, York, and Durham. Extracts in J. Raine’s edition of the Dialogues.
- (2) Dialogues. Ed. Raine, J., in Surtees Society. Vol. LXX. 1880.
- Map, Walter. (1) Gualteri Mapes de Nugis Curialium, edited from the unique MS. in the Bodleian by Wright, Thomas (Camden Society, 1850).
- (2) The Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes, collected and edited by Wright, Thomas (Camden Society, 1841).
- (3) La Queste del Saint-Graal, in the French poem of (as is supposed) Gautiers Map, or Walter Map, ed. Furnivall (Roxburghe Club, 1864).
- Marsh, Adam. Adae de Marisco Epistolae, in Monumenta Franciscana, I, 77–489, ed. Brewer, J. S., in the Rolls Series, 1858.
- Neckam, Alexander. (1) De Naturis Rerum, and (2) elegiac poem, De Laudibus Divinae Sapientiae, ed. Wright, Thomas, in Rolls Series, 1863.
- (3) Elegiac poem De Vita Monachorum, in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets, II, 175–200, ed. Wright, Thomas, in Rolls Series, 1872.
- (4) De Utensilibus, ed. Scheler, A., Lexicographie Latine, Leipzig, 1867.
- (5) Vocabularium biblicum and Repertorium vocabulorum, unpublished.
- Nigel Wireker. (1) Speculum Stultorum, in Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets, 1, 11–145, ed. Wright, Thomas, in Rolls Series, 1872.
- (2) Contra Curiales et Officiales Clericos, ib. 146–230.
- Ockham, William of. (a) Philosophical and Theological Works.
- (1) Expositio Aurea super totam artem Veterem, Bologna, 1496. (2) Summa logices, Paris, 1487. (3) Quaestiones in octo libros physicorum, Rome, 1637. (4) Summulae in octo libros physicorum, Venice, 1506. (5) Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum, Lyons, 1495. (6) Quodlibeta septem, Paris, 1487. (7) De Sacramento Altaris, and De Corpore Christi, Argent. 1491. (8) Centilogium theologicum, Lyons, 1495, at end of (5).
- (b) Political works. (1) Opus nonaginta dierum, Louvain, 1481; Lyons, 1495 (= Dialogus part iii, tract vi). (2) Dialogus…de Imperatorum et Pontificum Potestate, Lyons, 1495. (3) Defensorium contra Johannem XXII, Venice, 1513. (4) Adversus errores Johannis XXII, Louvain, 1481; Lyons, 1495. (5) De jurisdictione Imperatoris, Heidelberg, 1598. [Cf. also the writings of John Walsingham.]
- Peter of Blois, ed. Giles, J. A., in Patres Eccl. Angl., London, Oxford and Paris, 1846 f.; also in Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. CCVII, Paris, 1855. Peckham, John. (1) Perspectiva Communis, Milan, 1482.
- (2) Philomela. Cf. Hoveden, John (2), supra. (3) De Summa Trinitate et Fide Catholica, 1510. (4) Divinarum Sententiarum…Collectarium, Paris, 1513. (5) Registrum Epistolarum, 3 vols., ed. Martin, C. T., in Rolls Series, 1882–5.
- List of unpublished works in Martin’s Preface to Registrum, vol. III (1885), with additions in A. G. Little’s Grey Friars in Oxford, 156.
- Pullen, Robert. (1) Sententiarum Theologicarum libri viii. Paris, 1655, and in Migne, Patrologia Latina, t. CLXXXVI, col. 639 f.
- (2) Sermones, in Lambeth Library, no. 458.
- Reginald of Canterbury. Life of St. Malchus, in leonine hexameters, in the British Museum (Cotton MS., Vesp. E. iii), and in the Bodleian.
- Rich, Edmund. St. Edmund of Abingdon. Speculum Ecclesiae. 1521.
- Richard of Bury. Philobiblon, Cologne, 1473 etc.; ed. Cocheris, H., with French trans., Paris, 1856; ed. Thomas, E. C., with biographical and bibliographical Introduction, and E. T., 1888; 1903.
- Robert of Cricklade. (1) Life of Becket, used by the author of the Icelandic Thomas Saga.
- (2) Defloratio Pliniana. MSS. in British Museum, and at Eton, and Wolfenbüttel; cp. K. Rück, in S. Ber. Munich Acad. 3 Mai 1902, pp. 195 f.
- Robert of Melun. Summa Theologiae (or Summa Sententiarum); extracts in Haurèau, La Philosophie Scolastique, 1, 492–3.
- Sacro Bosco (Holywood?), Johannes de. Tractatus de Sphaera. Ferrara, 1472. [More than 64 editions before 1647.]
- Scot, Michael. (1) Liber Physiognomiae, (Venice) 1477.
- (2) Trans. of Aristotle, De Animalibus, included in Venice ed. 1496.
- (3) Quaestio Curiosa de Natura Solis et Lunae, in vol. v of Theatrum Chemicum, Strassburg, 1622.
- Shirwood, William (fl. 1260). Credited with Distinctiones Theologicae, and Conciones, and with a work Super Sententias (seen by Leland in the Dominican library at Exeter).
- Thomas de Bungay. De celo et mundo. MS. in Caius College, Cambridge, 509§3.
- Tournay, Simon of. Three vols. of lectures in Balliol and Merton MSS.
- Wallensis, John (fl. 1283). MS. of his Summa Collectionum in Peterhouse library, no. 18, 1 (237); nineteen other works in MS. (cp. Little’s Grey Friars in Oxford, 144–151).
- Wallensis, Thomas, Dominican (d. 1350?). Comment on Ovid Met., and Campus Florum, in Peterhouse library, nos. 237, 243.
- Walsingham, John (d. 1340?). MS. in C.C.C. Oxon. Joannis Walsyngham quaestiones octo disputatae apud Cantabrigiam et Norwicum.
- Walter of Evesham (fl. 1320). (1) De Speculatione Musices (C.C.C. Camb. MS., 401), in Coussemaker’s Scriptores de Musica, vol. 1, 182 f., Paris, 1863.
- (2) Astronomical tracts in Oxford and Cambridge MSS.
- William de la Mare, Oxford Franciscan (fl. 1284). Bibliography of MSS. in Little’s Grey Friars in Oxford, 217 f.; cp. Denifle, in Archiv f. Litt. des Mittelalters, 1888, p. 545; and Gasquet, F. A., in Dublin Review, 1898, p. 21.
- (B) B
IBLIOGRAPHIES - Wright, Thomas. Biographia Britannica Literaria, Anglo-Norman Period, 1846.
- Gröber, Gustav. Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, with Survey of Latin literature from 550 to 1350
A.D., including paragraphs on England, in vol. II, 97–432, esp. 181–427 (1000–1350A.D. ), Strassburg, 1902. - Bibliographies are also included in the works to which (b) is prefixed in the following list.
- (C) M
ODERN WORKS - Adamson, R., on Roger Bacon, in Ency. Brit. Vol. III.
- Brewer, J. S. Prefaces to Monumenta Franciscana I, Rogeri Baconis Opera Inedita, and Giraldus Cambrensis, in Rolls Series, 1859–61.
- Brown, J. Wood. Michael Scot. Edinburgh, 1897.
- Budinszky, Alexander. Die Universität Paris und die Fremden an derselben im Mittelalter. Berlin, 1876.
- Charles, Èmile. Roger Bacon, sa vie, ses ouvrages, ses doctrines, d’aprés des textes inèdits. Paris, 1861.
- Denifle. Die Entstehung der Universitäten des Mittelalters bis 1400. Berlin, 1885.
- Gasquet, F. A. English Biblical Criticism, and English Scholarship in the Thirteenth Century, in Dublin Review, 1898, 1–21, 356–373. Dublin, 1898.
- Gladstone, W.E. The Romanes Lecture, 1892; An Academic Sketch. Oxford, 1892.
- Haurèau, B. La Philosophie Scolastique (1850). Ed. 2. Paris, 1872–80.
- Jessopp, A. The Coming of the Friars (pp. 1–52) and other Historical Essays. 1889.
- (b) Jusserand, J. J. Literary History of the English People, 1, 157–203. 1895. (b) Little, A. G. The Grey Friars in Oxford, (1) A History of the Convent. (2) Biographical Notices of the Friars, Oxford Historical Society. 1892. Luard, H. R. Preface to Grosseteste’s Epistolae in the Rolls Series. 1861. Morley, H. English Writers, vols. III and IV, 38–67. 1888–9.
- Mullinger, J. B. The University of Cambridge, vol. I, I–212. Camb., 1873. Owen, H. Gerald the Welshman; new and enlarged ed. 1904. Pauli, R. (1) Bischof Grossteste und Adam Marsch. Tübingen, 1864;
- (2) Geschichte von England, vol. III in Gesch. der Europ. Staaten. 1834 ff.
- Poole, R. L. (1) Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought, 1884; and (2) in Traill’s Social England, vol. I, chaps. III–IV, 332–43, 429–40.
- Prantl, C. Geschichte der Logik im Abendlande, vol. II, ed. 2. Leipzig, 1861.
- (b) Rashdall, H. Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, vols. I and II (in two parts), with Maps of Old Paris and Old Oxford. Oxford, 1895.
- (b) Sandys, J. E. History of Classical Scholarship from the Sixth Century
B.C. to the end of the Middle Ages, Chapters 28–31. Cambridge, 1903. 2nd ed. 1906. - Schaarschmidt, C. Joannes Saresberiensis, nach Leben und Studien, Schriften und Philosophie. Leipzig, 1862.
- (b) Schofield, W. H. English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, pp. 26–110 etc. 1906.
- Searle, W. G. A critical examination of the Letters ascribed to Peter of Blois, in manuscript, not published.
- Stevenson, F. S. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, a Contribution to the Religious, Political and Intellectual Life of the Thirteenth Century. 1899.
- Stubbs, W. Literature and Learning at the Court of Henry II, Lectures VI and VII in “Seventeen Lectures.” Oxford, 1886, etc.
- Thurot, Ch. De l’organisation de l’enseignement dans l’Universitè de Paris au moyen age. Paris, 1850.
- (b) Ueberweg, F. History of Philosophy, I, pp. 365–464, E.T., 1872.
- Warton, T. History of English Poetry. Dissertation on the Introduction of Learning into England. 1774, 1840, etc.
- Wright, Thomas. (1) Prefaces to Satirical Poets of the Twelfth Century (1872), and Alexander Neckam (1863), in Rolls Series; also to Walter Map (1841, 1850) and (2) History of Caricature…in Literature… pp. 159–176, 1865.