The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
XI. Early Transition EnglishBibliography
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EXTS - An Bispel. Morris, R. E.E.T.S. XXIX, 231.
- Ancren Riwle. Oldest MS., C.C.C.C. Other MSS., Brit. Mus. etc. Morton, J. Camden Soc. 1853. Extr. Morris, Spec. 1, 110. Trans. Gasquet. 1905. Napier, A.S., Journal of Germ. Phil., 11, 19.
- Assumptio Mariae. Lumby, J. R. E.E.T.S. XIV, XLIX. Cf.E. Stud. VII, Iff.
- Benedictine Rule for Nuns of Winteney. Schröer, Halle, 1888.
- Bestiary. MS. Arundel, 292. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX. Rel. Ant. 1.208. Extr. Morris, Spec. 1,133
- Body and Soul, Debate of the. Mätzner, E., Sprachpr. I, 90 ff.
- Cantus Beati Godrici. Reginald of Coldingham’s Life of St. Godric, ed. Stevenson, Surtees Soc. Zupitza, J., E. Stud. XI, 401 ff.
- Canute Song. Hist. El. II, 27, Gale, p. 505. Ten Brink, History of Eng. Lit., trans. Vol. I, 148.
- Compassio Mariae. Napier. E.E.T.S. CIII, 75 ff. Archiv, LXXXVIII, 181 ff. Doomsday. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 162.
- XI Pains of Hell. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 147, 210. Archiv, LXII, 403 ff. Percy Soc. XIV (1844).
- XV Signs before Doomsday. Furnivall, F. J. Early English Poems. Mätzner, E. Stengel, E., Halle, 1871.
- Five Joys of the Virgin. Prayer to our Lady. Song to the Virgin. Prayer to the Virgin. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 87, 192, 194, 195.
- Genesis and Exodus. MS., C.C.C.C. 444. Morris. E.E.T.S. VII. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 153–170.
- Hali Meidenhad. Cockayne, O. E.E.T.S. XVIII.
- Homilies, Old English. Morris. E.E.T.S. XXIX, XXXIV (see also LIII). Extr. Morris, Spec. I, I ff.
- Hwon holy chireche is vnder uote. Sinners Beware. On Serving Christ. Lutel soth sermun. Long Life. Death. Signs of Death. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 72, 89, 90, 101, 141, 156, 168, 186.
- In Diebus Dominicis. Morris, R. E.E.T.S. XXIX, 41 ff.
- Layamon’s Brut. MSS., Brit. Mus. Cott. Calig. A. IX and Otho CXIII. Madden, F. 1847. 3 vols. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 64.
- On Lofsong of ure Lefdi. On God. Ureisun of ure Lefdi. Morris. E.E.T.S XXIX, 205, 191. Extr. Morris, Spec. 1,129.
- Ormulum. MS., Junius I. Bodl. (probably the author’s own copy). White, R. M., 1852. Re-ed. Holt, R. 2 vols. Oxford, 1878. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 39–63.
- Owl and Nightingale. MSS., Cott. Calig. A. IX and Jesus Coll., Oxf. 29. Stevenson, J. Roxburghe Club. 1838. Wright, T. Percy Soc. 1843. Stratmann, F. H. Krefeld, 1868. Wells, J. E. Boston, 1907. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 171.
- Passion of our Lord. Woman of Samaria. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 37–84.
- Paternoster. Morris. E.E.T.S. XXIX.
- Poema Morale. For MSS. see below. Furnivall, F. J. Early English Poems. 1862. Morris. E.E.T.S. XXXIV. Zupitza, J., Anglia, I, 6 ff. Crit. ed. Lewin, H. Halle, 1881. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 194. [The MSS. of this poem transcribed during different periods are of value as showing the development of English prosody.]
- Proverbs of Alfred. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, Reliquiae Antiquae, I, 170. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 146–152.
- St. Juliana, Life of. Cockayne, T. O. and Brock, E. E.E.T.S. LI. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 96 ff.
- St. Katherine, Life of. Einenkel. E.E.T.S. LXXX. Cf. Paris, G., Romania, XIII.
- St. Paul, Vision of. E.E.T.S. XLIX, app. iii. Hortsmann, C., Archiv, LII, 33.
- Sawles Warde. Morris. E.E.T.S. XXIX, 245 ff. Morris, Spec. I, 87.
- Seinte Marharete. Cockayne, O. E.E.T.S. XIII.
- Sermons, Old Kentish. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 26 ff. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 141–5.
- Vices and Virtues. Holthausen, F. E.E.T.S. LXXXIX.
- Wil and Wit. Morris. E.E.T.S. XLIX, 192.
- Wohunge of ure Louerde. On Lofsong of ure Louerde. On Ureisun of oure Louerde. Morris. E.E.T.S. XXIX, 269, 209, 183. Extr. Morris, Spec. I, 124. Cf. Ker, below (Ancren Riwle).
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RITICAL ESSAYS AND ARTICLES, ETC. - An Bispel. Sawles Warde. Vollhardt (see O. E. Homilies below); also E. Stud. XII, 459.
- Ancren Riwle. Mühe, T. Göttingen, 1901. P. u. B.’s Beitr. I, 209 ff.; E. Stud. III, 535 ff.; VII, 204 ff.; IX. 115 ff.; XIX. Bramlette, E. E., in Anglia, XV. Ker, W. P., Essays on Medieval Literature. 1905. [It has been urged that the oldest text is much earlier than the thirteenth century.]
- Assumptio Mariae. Über die älteste M. E. version der A. M. E. Stud. VII, 4 ff.
- Benedictine Rule for the Nuns of Winteney. Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen (1888), 1013. Cf. ante, bibliography to Chapter VII, p. 493.
- Bestiary. Anglia, IX, 391. Anglia, Beiblatt, X, 274 ff.
- Body and Soul, Debate of. Anglia, II, 225 ff. MLN. (1890), p. 193. Cf.
- Wright, T., Latin Stories; Böddeker, K., Altenglische Dichtungen, Berlin, 1878.
- Genesis and Exodus. E. Stud. VIII, 273: Ist der A. E. Story of Genesis und Exodus das Werk eines Verfassers? Fritzsche, Anglia, V, 42–90. Archiv, CVII, 317–92. Schumann, Anglia, Anz. VI.
- Here Prophecy. See Hales, J. W., Folia Litteraria, pp. 55–61.
- Homilies, Old English. Vollhardt. Einfluss der lateinischen geistlichen Litteratur auf einige kleinere Schöpfungen der englischen Ubergangs-periode. Leipzig, 1888.
- Layamon’s Brut. Imelmann. Layamon Versuch über seine Quellen. Berlin, 1906. Spruch und Bild im Layamon. Angl. 1, 147 ff. Trautmann, M. Über den Vers Layamons. Anglia, II. Cf. also, Anglia Anz. v and VIII, and Luick, K., in Paul’s Grundriss, II; Wülker, R., Ueber die Quellen Layamons, P. u. B.’s Beitr. III, 524–55; Brown, A. C. L., Welsh Traditions in Layamon’s Brut., Mod. Phil. I, i, 95–103; Fletcher, R. H., Did Layamon make any use of Geoffrey’s Historia? MLA. XVII, 91–94; Morley, H., English Writers, III; Luhmann, A., in Stud. z. Engl. Phil., Halle, 1906.
- Ormulum. Sarrazin. Ueber die Quellen des Ormulum. E. Stud. VI, 1–27. Napier, A. S. Notes on the orthography of the Ormulum. E.E.T.S. CIII. Cf. also E. Stud, I, 1; Tyrwhitt’s Chaucer, 1775; Effer, H., Anglia, VII; Athenaeum, 19 May, 1906 ff.; Reichmann, H., in Stud. z. Engl. Phil., Halle, 1906.
- Owl and Nightingale. Borsch. Ueber Metrik und Poetik. Münster, 1883. Noelle. Die Sprache, etc. Göttingen, 1870. Atkins, J. W. H. Studies on the Owl and Nightingale (Unpublished) 1905, and Notes, Athenaeum, p. 83, 20 Jan. 1906. [Cf. also the Latin Debates, e.g. De Phillide et Flora, etc., and Anglo-Norman debates, e.g. Melior et Idoine (Neilson, W. A., Origin and Sources of the Court of Love, Harvard Studies, VI); and also the metrically interesting disputes in the Vernon MS.]
- Poema Morale. Anglia, Anz. IV, 85 ff. Anna C. Paues. A newly discovered manuscript of the Poema Morale. Anglia XXX, 217–238.
- Proverbs of Alfred. P. u. B.’s Beitr. 1, 240 ff. Anglia, III, 370. Kemble, J. Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus. 1848.
- St. Katherine, Life of. Cf. Einenkel’s Ueber den Verfasser der neuangelsächsischen Legende von Katherina. Anglia, v, 91 ff.
- St. Paul, Vision of. E. Stud. 1, 295 ff. Kölbing, E. Stud. XXII, 134. Brandes, H. Visio St. Pauli. Halle, 1885. E. Stud. VII, 34–65.
- Skeat, W. W. Proverbs of Alfred. Oxford, 1907.
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ORKS OF REFERENCE - Alredi abbatis Monasterii de Rieualle (informacla) ad sororem suam inclusam translata de Latino in Anglicum per Thomas M. E. Stud. VII, 304–344.
- Bestiaries, etc. [Thaun, P. de. For Li Cumpoz or Calendar (c. 1113) see ed. Mall, E., Strassburg, 1873. For the Bestiaire see Wright, T., Popular Treatises on Science, 1841; ed. Walberg, E., Lund, 1900; and Mann, M. F., Der Physiol. d. P. v. T. u. seine Quellen, in Anglia, VIll; Le Bestiaire d’amour par Richard de Fournival, ed. Hippeau, C., Paris, 1860; Le Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le Clerc, ed. Hippeau, C., Caen, 1852. Cf. also Reinsch, R., Das Thierbuch des Norm. Dichters, G. le C., Leipzig, 1890. Julleville, L. P. de, Hist. Lang. Litt. Fr. 11, 214, should be referred to for a bibliography of Lapidaries and other didactic literature of the Middle Ages.]
- Brandl, A. Mittelenglische Litteratur in Paul’s Grundriss der germ. Phil. 11, 609–736. Strassburg, 1893.
- Cutts. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, pp. 120–151.
- Eckenstein, L. Woman under Monasticism. Cambridge, 1896.
- Förster, M. Frühmittelenglische Sprichwörter. Eng. Stud. XXXI.
- Gropp, E. On the Language of the Proverbs of Alfred. Halle. 1879.
- Jeanroy, A. Les origines de la poésie lyrique en France au Moyen-age. Paris, 1889. Deuxiéme partie, 1904.
- Lauchert, F. Über das englische Marienlied im 13 Jahr. Eng. Stud. XVI.
- Malmesbury, Wm. of. [An early rimed curse is found in W. of M., said to have been uttered by Aldred, abp. of York, against a Norman of Worcester, for building a castle too close to a monastery:
- Hightest thou Urse;
- Have thou God’s curse.]
- Mätzner, E. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin, 1867.
- Morsbach, L. Mittelenglische Grammatik, pp. 7–11. Halle, 1896.
- Prior, E. S. History of Gothic Art in England. 1900.
- Saintsbury, G. Flourishing of Romance and Rise of Allegory. 1897.
- Saintsbury, G. History of English Prosody. Vol. I. 1906.
- Schofield, W. H. Eng. Lit. from Norm. Conq. to Chaucer, 1906. [Good bibliography. See on Debates, pp. 424, 485.]
- Ten Brink, B. Gesch. der engl. Litt. 2nd. ed., Brandl, A. Strassburg, 1899. Vol. I, 1st ed. trans. Kennedy, H. M. 1888.
- Wace’s Roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836–8.
- Warton, T. History of English Poetry. 1774, 1840, 1871, etc.
- Wright, T. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages. 1841 [for Bestiaries, etc.].
- Wülker, R. Gesch. der engl. Litt. Leipzig, 1896. 2nd ed. 1906.