The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
XII. The Arthurian LegendBibliography
- (See also the bibliographies to the three following chapters.)
- I. T
EXTS - A. Latin
- Annales Cambriae. Ed. Phillimore, E., in Y Cymmrodor, Journal of the Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion. Vol. IX. 1888.
- Cambro-British Saints, Lives of the. Ed. with translations by Rees, W. J. Welsh MSS. Society, 1853.
- Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historia Regum Britanniae. Ed. Schulz, A. (San-Marte). Halle, 1854.
- —— H. R. B. Translated by Sebastian Evans. 1903.
- Vita Merlini (Geoffrey of Monmouth?). Edd. Wright, T. and Michel, F. London and Paris, 1837.
- Gildas. De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ. Hist. XIII. Berlin, 1898.
- —— Ed., with trans., by Williams, H. Cymmrodorion Record Series. 1901.
- —— Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901. Vita Gildae (Caradoc of Llancarvan?). Ed. Mommsen. Berlin, 1898.
- Henry of Huntingdon. Epistola ad Warinum in Vol. IV of Chronicles of Stephen, etc. Rolls Series. 1884–9.
- Nennius. Historia Britonum. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ. Hist. XIII. Berlin, 1898.
- —— Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901.
- B. Welsh
- The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd. Trans. Stephens, T. Ed. Powel, T. Cymmrodorion Soc. 1888.
- The Black Book of Carmarthen. Ed. Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. Oxford, 1907.
- The Heroic Elegies and other pieces of Llywarch Hen. Owen, W. 1792. The Mabinogion and the Bruts from the Red Book of Hergest. Edd. Rhys, J. and Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. 2 vols. Oxford, 1887–90.
- The Mabinogion. Trans. by Lady Charlotte Guest. 3 vols. 1838. Ed. Nutt, A. 1902.
- Les Mabinogion, traduits pour la première fois en Français, par J. Loth. 2 vols. Paris, 1889
- The Four Ancient Books of Wales. Welsh texts and translations. Ed. Skene, W. F. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Taliesin, or the Bards and the Druids of Britain. Nash, D. W. 1858.
- C. French
- Chrètien de Troyes. Cligés, 1901; Le Chevalier de la Charrette, 1902; Erec et Enide, 1896; Yvain, le chevalier au Lion, 1902; all ed. W. Förster, C. v. T.’s Sämm. Werke, Halle. Le Conte del Graal. Ed. Potvin. Mons, 1866–71. [For a brief summary of the literary quality of the work of C. de T. see Schofield, W. H., Eng. Lit. from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, pp. 176 ff. See also Paris, G., Jrnl. des Savants, 1902.]
- Marie de France. Lais. Ed. Warnke, K. Halle, 1900.
- Wace. Le roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836–8.
- Queste du St. Graal. Ed. Furnivall, F. J. Roxburghe Club. 1864.
- Le roman de St. Graal. Poem by Borron, R. de, printed in Furnivall’s Seynt Graal, or the Sank Ryal. Roxburghe Club. 1861–3. Cf. Heinzel, R., Über die franz. Gralromane, Vienna, 1892.
- Le Saint-Graal ou le Joseph d’Arimathie (containing the Grand St. Graal and the Didot Perceval). Ed. Hucher. 3 vols. Le Mans, 1875–8.
- Lancelot. [No complete ed. of this romance exists. For full accounts of it see Paulin Paris, Romans de la Table Ronde, 5 vols., 1868–77, and Weston, J. L., Legend of Lancelot, 1903.]
- Merlin. The Ordinary or Vulgate prose romance. Ed. Sommer, H. O. 1894.
- Merlin, Suite de. Edd. Paris, G. and Ulrich, J. 2 vols. Paris, 1890–1.
- Perceval le Gallois. Ed. Potvin. 6 vols. Mons, 1865 ff.
- Le Roman de Tristan (by Thomas). Ed. Bèdier, J. Paris, 1902–5. See also his Tristan et Iseut, Paris, 1900, and Michel, F., Recueil, 1835–9. Tristan (by Bèroul). Ed. Muret, E. Paris, 1903. Le Roman en Prose de Tristan, summarised and analysed by Löseth, E. Paris, 1892.
- D. English (original texts and translations)
- Layamon. Brut. Ed. Madden, F. 3 vols. 1847. Marie of France. Four Lays, trans. Weston, J. L., 1900; Seven Lays trans. Rickert, E., 1901.
- Arthur and Gorlagon. An unpublished text, with a study of its literary relations. Kittredge, G. L. Harvard Studies and Notes, VIII.
- Arthour and Merlin (metrical romance). Ed. Turnbull. Abbotsford Club. 1838. Ed. Kölbing. Leipsic, 1890. See also Percy Folio MS., ed. Furnivall and Hales.
- The High History of the Holy Grail. Trans. of Perceval le Gallois by Evans, S. 2 vols. 1898.
- Merlin, (prose romance, c. 1440, MS. Camb. Univ. Lib.). Ed. Wheatley, H. B., and others. 4 vols. E.E.T.S. 1865–98. Syr Gawayne. Romance-poems. Ed. Madden, F. Bannatyne Club. 1839. Syr Gawayne and the Grene Knyght. Edd. Morris and Gollancz. E.E.T.S. 1864; 1897.
- Sir Launfal. Ritson, J. Old English Metrical Romances. 3 vols. 1802. The Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach. Ed. Martin, E. Halle, 1900–3. Trans. into English verse by Weston, J. L. 2 vols. 1894.
- Syr Percyvelle of Galles. Ed. Halliwell, J. O. The Thornton Romances. 1844.
- Tristan and Iseult by Gottfried von Strassburg, abridged prose trans. by Weston, J. L. 2 vols. 1899. See also Bossert, A., Lègende Chevaleresque de T. et I., Paris, 1902.
- II. C
RITICAL STUDIES AND ESSAYS. - Arnold, M. On the Study of Celtic Literature. 1867. Bardoux, J. De Walterio Mappio. Paris, 1900. Birch-Hirschfeld, A. Die Sage vom Gral. Leipzig, 1877. Borderie, A. de la. L’Hist. Brit. attribuèe á Nennius. Paris, 1883.
- Brie, F. W. D. Gesch. u. Quel. der mittelengl. Prosachronik The Brute of England. Marburg, 1906.
- Brown, A. C. L. Iwain: A Study in the History of Arthurian Romance. Harvard Studies and Notes, VIII.
- —— The Round Table before Wace. Harvard Studies and Notes, VII. Clèdat, L. L’Èpopèe Courtoise. Chap. IV in vol. 1 of Petit de Julleville’s
- Histoire de la Langue et de la Littèrature Fran¸aise. 1896.
- Dickinson, W. H. King Arthur in Cornwall. 1900.
- Fletcher, R. H. The Arthurian Material in the Chronicles. Harvard Studies and Notes, X. 1906.
- Golther, W. Die Sage von Trist. u. Is. Stud über ihre Entstehung u. Entwickelung im Mittelalter. Munich, 1887. See also in Z. f. Litgesch. (N.F.) III, in Sitz. der K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss. 1890, on the Conte del Graal.
- Harper, G. M. Legend of the Holy Grail. MLA. VIII. John, Ivor B. The Mabinogion. Popular Studies in Mythology, etc. 1901. Kempe, D. The Legend of the Holy Grail. E.E.T.S. Extra Series, XCV. Ker, W. P. Epic and Romance. 1897. Kölbing, E. Die nordische und die englische Version der Tristan-Sage. Heilbronn. 2 vols. 1878–83. Lot, F. Ètudes sur la provenance du cycle Arthurien. Romania, XXIV, XXV, XXVIII, XXX. See also Annales de Bret., 1900. Loth, J. L’Èmigration bretonne en Armorique. 1883.
- —— Les nouvelles thèories sur l’origine des romans Arthuriens. Revue Celtique, XIII. MacCallum, M. W. Tennyson’s Idylls and Arthurian Story. Glasgow, 1894. Meyer, P. De quelques chroniques anglo-normandes qui ont portè e nom de Brut. S.A.T.F. Paris, 1878.
- Newell, W. W. King Arthur and the Table Round. Boston, 1897.
- Nutt, A. Celtic and Medieval Romance. Popular Studies. 1904.
- —— Legends of the Holy Grail. Popular Studies in Mythology, etc. 1902.
- —— Les derniers travaux allemands sur la lègende du Saint Graal. Paris, 1891. (From Revue Celtique, XII.)
- —— Notes to edition of Lady C. Guest’s Mabinogion. 1902.
- —— Studies in the Legend of the Holy Grail. 1888. Paris, G. Histoire Littèraire de la France. Vol. XXX, pp. 1–270. Paris, 1888.
- —— Tristan et Iseult. Revue de Paris. 1894.
- —— La Littèrature française au moyen-âge. Paris, 1888. Trans. in Temple Classics. Paton, L. A. Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance. Radcliffe College Monographs.
- Renan, E. The Poetry of the Celtic Races. 1858. Trans. by Hutchinson. 1896.
- Rhys, J. Celtic Folklore. 2 vols. Oxford, 1901.
- —— Preface to Dent’s ed. of Malory’s Morte d’Arthur. 1893.
- —— Studies in the Arthurian Legend. Oxford, 1891. Saintsbury, G. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory. Edinburgh, 1897.
- Schofield, W. H. English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer. 1906.
- Sommer, H. O. Vol. III of his edition of Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte d’Arthur. 1889–91.
- Stephens, T. The Literature of the Kymry. 2nd ed. 1872.
- Ward, H. D. L. Catalogue of Romances in British Museum. Vol. I. [Articles on Geoffrey of Monmouth and Walter Map.]
- Warton, T. History of British Poetry. Vol. I, note by Price, R., on Sir Tristrem. Wechssler, E. Die Sage vom heiligen Gral. Halle, 1898.
- —— Über die verschiedenen Redaktionen…Boron zugeschriebenen Graal-Lancelot Cyklus. Halle, 1895. Weston, J. L. King Arthur and His Knights. Popular Studies in Mythology, etc. 1899.
- —— The Legend of Sir Gawain, 1897. The Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac, 1901. The Legend of Sir Perceval, 1906. The Three Days’ Tournament, 1903. All in the Grimm Library.
- Wülker, R. Die Arthursage in der engl. Lit. Leipzig, 1895.
- Zimmer, H. Bretonische Elemente in der Arthursage des Gottfried von Monmouth, etc. Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Litteratur, vol. XIII.
- —— Nennius Vindicatus. Berlin, 1893.
- —— Göttingische gelehtre Anzeigen. 1890. No. 12. Review of Nutt’s Grail Studies.
- —— Ibid. 1890. No. 20. [Review of G. Paris’s contribution to Hist. Litt. de la France.] [A brief list of the chief materials for a study of the old Cymric and Gaelic language and literature will be found in Morley’s English Writers, vol. I, pp. 200 and 237, 1887. Arthurian Ballads (e.g. The Boy and the Mantle, the latter a garment which cannot be worn by any erring lady) will be found in the Percy Folio MS., Child and other collections. For the male pendant to the Boy and the Mantle, e.g. La Lai du Corn, see Bodl. MS., Digby 86, and the note on British Lais in Warton, vol. II (1840). A handsome boy rides “à la court del bon rei Artus,” with a horn from which only faithful knights can drink without spilling. See ed. Wulff, F., Lund, 1888, and cf. The Cokwold’s Daunce.]