The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
XVI. Later Transition EnglishBibliography
- G
ENERAL AAUTHORITIES - Brandl’s Mittelenglische Lit. in Paul’s Grundriss.
- Gross, C. Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485. 1900
- Julleville, L. Petit de (ed.). Histoire de la Langue et de la Literature francaise des Origines [char] 1900. Tome I. Paris, 1896.
- Ritson, J. Ancient English Metrical Romances. 3 Vols. 1802. Ed. Goldsmid, E. Edinburgh, 1884.
- Cursor Mundi
- Hupe. Genealogie u. Überlieferung der MSS. des C. M. Erlangen, 1886.
- Morris, R. Cursor Mundi. A Northumbrian Poem of the fourteenth century. In four versions. E.E.T.S. 3 vols. 1874 ff. (Nos. 57, 59, 62, 66, 68, 99, 101, with studies by Hupe and Hänisch on the sources, Text, Filiation of the MS., Dialect, etc.) See Kaluza, M., in Engl. Stud. XI.
- Adam Davy
- Furnivalle, F. J. Adam Davy’s Five Dreams about Edward II. E.E.T.S. 1878.
- Legendaries, Homilies, etc.
- (For the numerous MSS. and for an excellent bibliography of separate lives and legends of the Saints see Körting’s Grundriss.)
- Becker, E. Medieval Visions of Heaven and Hell. Baltimore, 1899.
- St. Brendan. For further details of this beautiful legend see Nutt, A., and Meyer, K., in The Voyage of Brans, 2 vols., Grimm Library, 1895, 1897; Wright, T., Percy Soc., 1844; M. J. de Goeje’s La légende de Saint Brandan, Leyden, 1890; Fr. Michel, Paris, 1878; Schirmer, Zur Brendanus Legende, Leipzing, 1888; Zimmer, Brendan’s Meerfahrt, ZDA. XXXIII (N. F. XXI); Benoit’s Vie de St. Brendan.
- Crane, T. F. Medieval Sermon Books and Stories. Amer. Philos. Soc. XXI.
- Caxton. The Golden Legend (Jacobus a Voragine’s Legenda Aurea). 1483. Ed. Ellis, F. S. 1900.
- Furnivall, F. J. Early English Poems and lives of Saints. Berlin, 1862. Gerould, G. H. North Eng. Hom. Lancaster, Pa., 1902.
- Henry of Saltrey (fl. 1150). Author of Purgatorium Sancti Patricii. The popularity of the “descent” motive is evident from the numerous forms in which it occurs, in English, Latin, and French. See Wright’s St. Patrick’s Purgatory, 1844; also Forbes, A. P., Calendar of Scottish Saints, Edinburgh, 1872; Krapp, G. P., Legend of St. Patrick’s Purgatory, Baltimore, 1900, and the French version of Marie de France; Massingham’s Florilegium insulae Sanctorum Hiberniae, Paris, 1624; Matthew Paris’s Chronica Majora; Smith, L. Toulmin, in Engl. Stud. IX.
- Horstmann, C. Altenglische Legenden. Paderborn, 1875. [See contents in Körting.]
- —— Sammlung Altenglische Legenden. Heilbronn, 1878.
- —— Altenglische Legenden. Neue Folge. Heilbronn, 1881.
- —— The Early South English Legendary or Lives of the Saints. E.E.T.S. 1887.
- —— Minor Poems of the Vernon MS., Part I. E.E.T.S. [See p. 138 for a list of Miracles of Our Lady in the Index to Vernon MS. Other interesting poems in the Early English Text Society’s volume are: The visions of Seynt Poul wan he was rapt in to paradys, The Pope trental, A dispitison bitwene a god man and the devel and Castel of Love (cf. The Myrour of lewed men, in the Appendix to Part 1); and, in Part II: Her is a disputison bitwene child Jhesu and Maistres of the lawe of Jewus, A disputison bytwene a cristenemon and a Jew, Proverbes of diverse profetes and of poetes and othur seyntes, Her biginneth luytel Caton, Disputation between Mary and the Cross, Susannah, or Seemly Susan, Fy on a faint Friend, This World fares as a Fantasy, etc.]
- Laing, D. Owain Miles and other inedited fragments of Ancient English Poetry. Edinburgh, 1837.
- Leonard, A. L. Zwei… Geschichten aus der Holle. Zürich, 1891.
- Mussafia, A. Studien zu den mittel-älterlichen Marienlegenden. Sitz. d. Wiener Akad. der Wissen. Vienna, 1887 ff.
- Retzlaff. Untersuchungen über den nordenglischen Legendencyclus der MSS., Harl. 4196 u. Cott. Tib. E. VII. Berlin, 1889.
- Small, J. English Metrical Homilies, from MSS. of the fourteenth century. Edinburgh, 1862.
- Stevenson, J. Anglo-Saxon and Early English Psalter. Surtees Society. 2 vols. 1843–4.
- Wright, T. Early English Poetry. Percy Soc.
- Robert Mannyng of Brunne
- Boerner, O. Die Sprache R. M. of B. und ihr Verhältnis zur neuenglischen Mundart. Stud. zur eng. Phil. 12. Halle, 1904.
- Cowper, J. Meadows. Meditations on the Supper of our Lord, and the Hours of the Passion, by Cardinal John Bonaventura. Drawn into English Verse by R. M. of B. E.E.T.S. 1875.
- Furnivall, F. J. Robert of Brunne’s Handlyng Synne,
A.D. 1303. With those parts of the Anglo-French Treatise on which it was founded, William of Wadington’s Manuel des Pechiez. Re-edited from MSS in the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries. Part I, 1901, II, 1903. (Prev. ed. Roxburghe Club, 1862.) - —The Story of England, by R. M. of B. Ed. from MSS. at Lambet
- Palace and the Inner Temple. Part II, Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1887. Cf. Hales, J. W., in Snell’s Age of Chaucer, p. xlvi, 1901.
- Hearne, T. Peter Langtoft’s Chronicle (as Illustrated and Improved by Robert of Brunne). From the death of Cadwalader to the end of King Edward I’s reign. 2 vols. Oxford, 1725.
- Hellmers, G. Ueber die Sprache R. M. of B., und über die autorschaft der ihm zu geschriebenen “Meditations on the Supper of our Lord.”Göttingen, 1885.
- Preussner, O. R. M. of B.’s Uebersetzung von Pierre de Langtoft’s Chroniicle, und ihr Verhaltniss zum Originale. Breslau, 1891.
- Thümmig, M. Über die Altenglischen Übersetzung der Reimchronik Peter Langtofts durch R. M. v. B. Anglia, XIV.
- Zetsche, A. W. Ueber den ersten Theil der Bearbeitung des “Roman de Brut” des Wace, durch R. M. of B. Reudnitz. Leipzig, 1887.
- Dan Michel’s Ayenbite of Inwyt
- Evers, R. W. Beiträge zur Erklärung und Text Kritik von D. M.’s A. of I. Erlangen, 1888.
- Konrath, M. Die Lateinische Quelle zu A. of I. Eng. Stud. XII, 259.
- Meyer, Paul. Notice sur le Manuscrit 27 de la Bibliothèque d’Alençon (Somme le Roi). Bulletin de la Sociètè des Anciens Textes Français, No. 2. Paris, 1892.
- Morris, R. D. M.’s A of I., or Remorse of Conscience, in the Kentish Dialect, with an Introduction on the Peculiarities of the Southern Dialect. E.E.T.S. 1866.
- Petersen, Kate O. The Sources of the Parson’s Tale. Radcliffe College Monographs. No. 12. Camb. Mass., 1901.
- Stevenson, J. The A. of I. Roxburghe Club. 1855.
- Varnhagen, H. Beiträge zur Erklärung und Textkritik von D. M.’s A. of I. Engl. Stud. 1, 397, 11, 27.
- Laurence Minot
- Hall, Joseph. Minot, Laurence, The Poems of. Oxford, 1887, 1897.
- Ritson. Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of King Edward III. Written in the Year M.C.C.C.LII by L. M. 1795, 1825.
- Scholle, W. Minot, Laurence. Leider. Mit Grammatisch-Metrischer Einleitung. Strassburg. QF. LII.
- Wright, T. Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History Composed during the Period From the Accession of Edward III to that of Richard II. Rolls Series. 1859.
- Robert of Gloucester
- Brossmann, K. Uber die Quellen Mittelenglischen Chronik des R. v. G. Breslau, 1887.
- Ellmer, W. Ueber die Quellen der Reim Chronik R. v. G. Halle, 1886.
- Strohmeyer, H. Der Stil der Mittelenglischen Reim-Chronik R. v. G. Berlin, 1891.
- Wright, W. A. The Metrical Chronicle of R. of G. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1887. See also ed. Hearne, T. Oxford, 1724; and Anglia, XIII; Archiv f. d. stud. d. neueren Spr. u. Lit. LXXXVII.
- William of Shoreham
- Konrath, M. The Poems of William of Shoreham. Re-edited from the unique MS. in the British Museum. E.E.T.S. Part 1. 1902.
- Wright, T. The Religious Poems of William of Shoreham. Percy Soc. 1849.