The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).>br>Volume I. From the Beginnings to the Cycles of Romance.
XVII. Later Transition EnglishBibliography
- A few works on the social and political history of England during the Middle Ages are included in the bibliography to this chapter and in the bibliography to the chapter on Piers the Plkowman in the next volume. Further writings will be found mentioned in the chapter in vol. II on fugitive and social literature to the close of Middle Ages.
- Ashley, W. J. Edward III and his Wars, 1327–60. English History from Contemp. Writers. 1887.
- Ball, John. See Walsingham’s Historia Anglicana and Knighton’s Compilatio de eventibus Angliae in Twysden’s Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Decem; Green, J. R., Short History, 1884, pp. 243–4; Morris, W., A Dream of John Ball, 1888.
- Bateson, Mary. Medieval England, 1066–1350. 1905.
- Barnard, F. P. Companion to English History (Middle Ages). 1902. Bartsch, K., and Koschwitz, E. Chrestomathie Provencale (Xe –XVe siècles). 2 vols. 6th ed. 1903 ff. Bedier, J. Les Fabliaux. Paris, 1893. Blaauw, W. H. The Barnos’ Wars (Lewes and Evesham Battles). Ed. Pearson, C. H. 1844–71.
- Bödderker, K. Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253. Berlin, 1878. Brunetière, F. Les Fabliaux du moyen âge, in the Revue des Deux Mondes. 1 Sept. 1893.
- Courthope, W. J. Hist. Eng. Poetry. See chapters on The Character and Sources of Medieval Poetry, and the Progress of Allegory in English Poetry.
- Chevalier, C. U. J. Rèpert. des sources hist. du moyen âge, bio-bibliog. 1877 ff.
- Chambers, E. K., and Sidgwick, F. Early English Lyrics, 1907. [Contains a useful list of MSS. and books.]
- Crane, T. F. Medieval Sermon-books and stories. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. XXI. Creighton, C. A History of Epidemics in Britain. Cambridge, 1892. Cunningham, W. The Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the Early and Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1905. Davenport, F. G. A Classified List of Printed Original Materials for English Manorial and Agrarian History during the Middle Ages. Radcliffe College Monographs, No. 6. Duff. E. G. King Salomon and Marcolf. 1892. Fabyan, R. New Chronicles of England and France. Pynson, 1516; ed. Ellis, 1811. (For Bannockburn songs, etc.) Freeman’s Norman Conquest. Vol. IV (on Hereward). Furnivall, F. J. Early English Poems. Berlin, 1862. For the Land of Cokaygne, etc. MS. Harl. 913. See also Hickes’ Thesaurus, and cf. L’Ordre de Bel Aise in Wright’s Political Songs, Camden Soc., 1839. Furnivall, F. J., and Horstmann, C. Minor Poems of the Vernon MS. E.E.T.S. 1892, 1901.
- Garnier, R. M. Annals of the Peasantry. 1895.
- Gasquet, F. A. The Great Pestilence. 1894.
- Gesta Romanorum. Printed first at Utrecht, then at Cologne, c. 1472–5. First English edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde, c. 1510–15. For a full discussion of the different MSS. used, the sources of the groups, etc., see the indispensable edition of Oesterley, H., Berlin, 1872. The following editions may also be mentioned, of which the first is of most importance for our purposes: Hertage, S. J. H., Early English Versions of Gesta Romanorum, E.E.T.S., 1899; Madden, F., in Roxburghe Club, 1838; Swan, C. (Trans.), 1824–1906; Warton’s History of English Poetry, Dissert, iii.
- Guillaume le Marèchal, L’Histoire de. A French rimed life of the Regent of England during the minority of Henry III. Ed. Meyer, P., 1891–1902. [A work of much value for the social history of the times.]
- Hazlitt, W. C. Remains of the Early Popular Poetry of England. 4 vols. 1864–6. (Tournament of Tottenham, etc.)
- Hendyng, Proverbs of. See Wright and Halliwell, Reliquiae Antiquae; Kemble, J., Salomon and Saturnus, 1848; Varnhagen, in Anglia, IV, etc. Hereward. For fuller (legendary) details concerning this interesting outlaw see Gesta Herewardi Saxonis, in F. Michel’s Chroniques Anglo-Nor-mandes, Rouen, 1836 ff., and in T. Wright’s Caxton Soc. edition of Gaimar’s Estorie des Engles, and, of course, Kingsley’s Hereward the Wake.
- Hervieux, L. Fabulistes Latins. 1893–4.
- Horstmann, C. Altenglische Legenden. Paderborn, 1875; Heilbronn, 1878, 1881. (For legends of the Childhood of Jesus, etc.)
- Hutton, W. H. The Misrule of Henry III and Simon de Montfort. 2 vols. English History from Contemporary Writers.
- Jacobs, J. Jewish Ideals, 1896, etc. Berachyah Nakden may be mentioned here as a fabulist, and tales against the Jews will be found in the Vernon MS. Chaucer’s tale of the schoolboy who sings the Alma Redemptoris Mater is too well known to call for further comment.
- Jataka. 6 vols. Trans. Cowell, Rouse, etc. Cambridge, in progress.
- Jehan le Bel. Histoire vraye et notable des nouvelles guerres et choses avenues l’an mil CCCXXVI jusques à l’an LXI en France, en Angleterre, en Escoce, en Bretaigne et ailleurs, et principalement des haults faitz du roy Edowart d’Angleterre et des deux roys Philippe et Jehan de France. A contemporary record of Edward’s Scotch Wars. Ed. Polain, L. Brussels, 1863.
- Jewish writers. On the indebtedness of letters to the Jew in the Middle Ages, and their part in the social life of the community, see Snell, F. J., The Fourteenth Century, p. 420; Jacobs, J., and Wolf, L., Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica, 1889; Jacobs, J., The Jews of Angevin England, 1893, Eng. Hist. from Contemp. Writers Series; Steinschneider, Die hebraäischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters, Berlin, 1893.
- Joly, A. Marie de France et les Fables au moyen âge. Caen, 1863. Jesserand, J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the fourteenth cent. Eng. trans. 1887–9.
- Kingsford, C. L. The Song of Lewes. Oxford, 1890.
- Laing, David. Poems from Auchinleck MS. Abbotsford Club Pub. (A Penniworth of Witte, etc.) 1857. See also Kölbing, E., Engl. Stud. VII. Langtoft, Peter of, Augustinian Canon of Bridlington (d. 1307?). Author of the popular Chronicle, written in Yorkshire French, based on Geoffrey of Monmouth, and of value as a contemporary account of the Scotch wars. Ed. Wright, T. Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1866–8. See also, ante, Robert Mannyng of Brunne.
- Mätzner, E. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin, 1867. (For Dame Siriz, Land of Cokaygne, Fox and Wolf, etc., etc.) See also his Altfranz., Lieder, 1853.
- Manhardt, W. Wald- und Feldkulte. Berlin, 1877.
- Maurice, C. E. Lives of English Popular Leaders in the Middle Ages (Langton, Tyler, Ball, etc.). 1872–5.
- Mèril, E. du. Poèsie pop. lat. ant. au XIIe siècle and du moyen âge. 1843.
- Meyer, P. Mèlanges de Poèsie Anglo-Normande. Romania, IV. 1875.
- —— Recueil d’Anciens Textes Bas-Latins, Proven¸aux et Fr. 1874 ff. Milman, H. H. Latin Christianity. 1854 ff.
- Montaiglon, A. de, and Raynaud, G. Recueil gènèral et complet des fabliaux des XIIe et XIVe siècles. 6 vols. Paris, 1872 ff.
- Odo of Cheriton. See Douce’s Illustrations of Shakespeare, 1807, and Hervieux, above.
- Paris, G. Les Contes orientaux dans la litt. fr. au moyen âge. Paris, 1895.
- Paris, P. Chansonniers in Hist. Litt., XXIII. 1856.
- Paterson, W. Romanie. The Nemesis of Nations. 1906. Pearson, C.H. Historical Maps of England (on social and political conditions of the Middle Ages, etc.). 1867 ff.
- Percy, T. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 1765 ff.
- Petrus Alphonsus. Disciplina Clericalis. See Wright’s Latin Stories and Ellis’s Metrical Romances.
- Pilkington, Gilbert. See W. Bedwell’s edition of The Turnament of Tottenham, of the wooing, winning, and wedding of Tibbe, etc., 1631, and T. Wright’s, 1836.
- Prothero, G. W. Simon de Montfort. 1877. Raynaud, G. Bibliographie des Chansonniers Fr. des XIIIe et XIVe siècles. 1884.
- Reville, A., and Petit-Dutaillis, C. Le Soulèvement des Travailleurs d’ Angleterre en 1381. Paris, 1898. See also Eng. Hist. Rev., July, 1898, and Powell’s Rising in East Anglia. Cambridge, 1896.
- Reynard the Fox. Printed by Caxton, 1481: ed. Arber, 1880; Goldsmid, 1884; Thoms, W. J. Percy Soc. 1844; Ellis, F. S. The History of Reynard the Fox…turned into English Verse. 1897; Grimm, J. Reinhart Fuchs. Berlin, 1834; Jacobs, J. Reynard the Foxe. 1893; Martin, E. Le Roman de Renart. Strassburg, 1882 ff.; Paris, G. Le Roman de Renard. Paris, 1895; Petit de Julleville. Hist. de la Lang. et de la Litt. fr. Tome II, moyen âge. Sudre, L., on Les Fables et le Roman du Renard; Bedier, J., on Les Fabliaux, and the bibliographies attached; Potvin, Ch. Le Roman du Renard…prècède d’une introd. et d’une bibl. Brunzelles, 1861. See also Coll. des èpopèes nat. le roman du Renard. Paris, 1891; Sudre, L. Les Sources du Roman de Renart. Paris, 1893.
- Ritson, J. and Hazlitt, W. C. Ancient Songs from the Time of King Henry III to the Revolution. 5 vols. 1790–1870.
- Schluter, A. On MS. Harl. 2253. Archiv, LXXI. Schmeller, J. A. Carmina Burana. Stuttgart, 1847 ff.
- Seebohm, F. The Black Death. Fortnightly Review. 1865.
- Smith, Lucy Toulmin, and Meyer, P. Les Contes moralisès de Nicole Bozon. Paris, 1889.
- Snell, F. J. The Fourteenth Century. Periods of European Literature. 1899.
- Stubbs, W. Constitutional History of England. Oxford, 1874 ff.
- Symonds, J. A. Wine, Women, and Song: Medieval Latin Students’ Songs now first trans. into English verse, with an essay. 1907.
- Ten Brink, B. Hist. Eng. Lit. Vol. I.
- Traill, H. D. Social England. Vols. I, II.
- Voigst, E. Isengrimus. Halle, 1884. See also Klienere lateinische Denkmäler der Thiersage. Strassburg, 1878.
- Wallon, M. Richard II. Paris, 1864.
- Warton, T. Hist. Eng. Poetry. § I, II.
- Wattenbach, W. Latin Songs of the Middle Ages. ZDA. XV.
- Wright, T. Anecdota Literaria; a collection of short poems in English, Latin and French, illustrative of the literature and history of England in the thirteenth century, and more especially of the condition and manners of the different classes of society. 1844. (For Dame Siriz, MS. Bodl. Digby 86; etc.)
- —— Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the twelfth century.
- Rolls Series. 2 vols. 1892.
- —— History of Domestic Manners during the Middle Ages. 1862, 1864.
- —— A Essays on the Literature, Superstitions and History of England during the Middle Ages.
- —— A History of Caricature and Grotesque in Literature and Art. 1865.
- —— Latin Stories from MSS. of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries. A contribution to the history of fiction. Percy Soc. 1842.
- —— Political Songs of England from the Reign of John to Edward II. Camden Society. 1839.
- Wright, T. Specimens of Lyric Poetry composed in England in the Reign of Edward I. Percy Soc. 1842.
- —— Turnament of Totenham and the Feest. Printed from Camb. Univ. Lib. MS. 1836.
- Wright, T. and Halliwell, J. O. Reliquiae Antiquae, 2 vols. 1841–3. [A valuable collection of early verses. Contains The Vox and the Wolf, MS. Bodl. Digby 86; Proverbs of Hendyng; etc.]