The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume II. The End of the Middle Ages.
- C
AXTON. MALORY. BERNERS - General Authorities, etc.
- Ames, J. Typographical Antiquities: being an historical account of Printing in England. 1749.
- Bigmore, E. C. and Wyman, C. W. H. Bibliography of Printing. 3 vols. 1880–6.
- Blades, R. H. Who was Caxton? 1877.
- Blades, W. The life and typography of William Caxton. 2 vols. 1861–3. British Museum Catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad to the year 1640. 3 vols. 1884.
- Dibdin, T. F. Typographical Antiquities. Begun by Joseph Ames, augmented by William Herbert. 4 vols. 1810–19.
- Dibelius, W. John Capgrave und die Englische Schriftsprache. Anglia,
XXIII, XXIV passim. - Duff, E. G. The Printers, Stationers and Bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. Cambridge, 1906.
- —— William Caxton. Chicago, 1905.
- —— A Century of the English Book-trade. Bibliographical Society. 1905.
- Herbert, W. Typographical Antiquities. Begun by Joseph Ames. 3 vols. 1785–90.
- Lekebusch, J. Die Londoner Urkundensprache von 1430–1500. Halle, 1906.
- Lewis, J. Life of Caxton. 1737.
- Madan, F. The early Oxford press. Oxford, 1895.
- —— The Day-book of John Dorne. Oxford Historical Society, Collectanea. Vol.
I. Oxford, 1885. - Middleton, Conyers. The Origin of Printing in England. Cambridge, 1735. Morley, H. English Writers. Vol.
VI. 1890. - Plomer, H. R. A short history of English printing, 1476–1898. 1900.
- Printers, Handlists of English. Bibliographical Society. 1895–1906.
- Proctor, R.G.C. Jan van Doesborch. Bibliographical Society Monographs,
II. 1894. - Römsters, H. Die englische Schriftsprache bei Caxton. Göttingen, 1890. Sayle, C. E. Early English printed English books in the University Library, Cambridge. 4 vols. Cambridge, 1900 ff.
- [Certain of Caxton’s prefaces and epilogues are reprinted in A. W. Pollard’s Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse, 1903.]
- Reprints of Books mentioned in the Text, etc.
- Aesop, The Fables of, as first printed by W. Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Ed. Jacobs, J. 2 parts. 1889.
- Apollyn of Thyre, The romance of Kynge. Reproduced in facsimile by Ashbee, E. W. 1870.
- Arnold, Richard. The customs of London, otherwise called Arnold’s Chronicle. Ed. Douce, F. 1811.
- Aymon, The right pleasaunt and goodly historie of the foure sonnes of. Englisht from the French by W. Caxton. Ed. Richardson, O. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser.
XLIV. 1884. - Berners: The history of the valiant knight Arthur of Little Britain, a romance of chivalry originally translated from the French by John Bourchier, Lord Berners. Ed. Utterson, E. V. 1814.
- —— The Castell of Love. Printed c. 1540.
- —— The chronicle of Froissart, translated out of French by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners, annis 1523–5. [Pynson.] Ed. Ker, W. P. Tudor Translations. 6 vols. 1901–3. [A handy reduced edition of Berners’ Froissart was published in 1895, ed. with introduction and notes by Macaulay, G. C. Baron J. M. B. C. Kervyn de Lettenhove’s Froissart: étude litt. sur le
XIV e siècle, Paris, 1857, should be consulted.] - —— The boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux, done into English by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners, and printed by Wynkyn de Worde about 1534. Ed. Lee, S. L. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser.
XL, XLI, XLIII, L. 1882–7. - —— The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius (trans. from Guevara) 1535 ff. [See Ten Brink, B., Hist. Eng. Lit., Eng. trans. 1902, vol.
III, 187 ff.] - Berners, Dame Juliana: The Boke of Saint Albans. Reproduced in fasimile. Ed. Blades, William. 1881.
- —— A treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle: being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496. Ed. Watkins, M. G. 1880. [See also Reliquiae Antiquae, 149.]
- Blanchardyn and Englantine, Caxton’s. Ed. Kellner, L. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser.
LVIII. 1890. - Charles the Great, The Life of, translated from the French by William Caxton. Ed. Herrtage, S.J. English Charlemagne romances, parts 3, 4. 1880–1.
- Chesse, Caxton’s Game and playe of the, 1474, a verbatim reprint of the first edition. Ed. Axon, W. E. A. 1883.
- Chivalry, The Order of. Translated from the French by W. Caxton. Ed. Ellis, F.S. Kelmscott Press, Hammersmith, 1892.
- Christine de Pisan. Morale proverbes…reproduced in imitation of the original edition. Ed. Blades, W. 1859.
- Complaint of a lover’s life, The. Controyersy between a lover and a joy. Ed. Dibdin, T.F. Roxburghe Club,
XVIII. 1818. - Curial made by maystere Alain Charretier, The, translated by William Caxton. Collated with the French original by Paul Meyer and ed. Furnivall, F.J. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. LIV, 1888.
- Curtesye, Book of, Caxton’s. Ed. Furnivall, F.J. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. III. 1868.
- Dialogues in French and English by William Caxton. c. 1483. Ed. Bradley, H. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. LXXIX. 1900.
- Dictes and sayings of the philosophers, The. A facsimile reproduction Ed. Blades, W. 1877.
- Eneydos, Caxton’s Ed. Culley, M. T. and Furnivall, F. J. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. LVII. 1890.
- Fabyan, R. The new chronicles of England and France, in two parts. Reprinted from Pynson’s edition of 1516. Ed. Ellis, H. 1811.
- Godeffroy of Boloyne or the siege and conqueste of Jerusalem.… Translated from the French by W. Caxton. Ed. Colvin, Mary N., Ph., D. E.E.T.S. Ex. Ser. LXIV. 1893.
- Golden Legend, The. Caxton’s trans. Ed. Ellis, F. S. 3 vols. Kelmscott Press, 1892; also ed. Ellis, F. S. 7 vols. 1900 ff.
- —— Legenda aurea. A study of Caxton’s Golden Legend with special reference to its relations to the earlier English prose translation, by Butler, Pierce. Baltimore, 1899.
- Goste of Guy, The [fragment.] Reprinted in the Athenaeum, No. 3852. 24 August 1901.
- Helyas, knight of the Swan, The history of. Thoms’ Collection of Early Prose Romances. Vol. III. 1828.
- Hundred Mery Tales, A. Ed. Hazlitt, W. C. 1887.
- Hye way to the spyttell hous, The, by Robert Copland. Pieces of early popular poetry. Ed. Utterson, E. V. Vol. II. 1817.
- Jyl of Breyntford’s Testament, by Robert Copland, and other short pieces. Ed. Furnivall, F. J. 1871.
- Kalender of Shepherdes, The. The edition of Paris 1503 in photographic facsimile; a faithful reprint of R. Pynson’s edition of London 1506.
- Ed. Sommer, H. O. 1892. [See Warton’s English Poetry, [char] XXVII.]
- Knight of La Tour Landry.…, The Book of the. Translated from the original French into English in the reign of Henry VI by Caxton. Ed. Wright, T. E.E.T.S. XXXIII. 1868.
- Malory: Le Morte Darthur by Sir Thomas Malory. The original edition of William Caxton now reprinted and ed. Sommer, H. O. 3 vols. 1889–91. [Contains, in vol. II, a long and valuable introduction on Sir Thomas Malory and the various edition of Le Morte Darthur, etc.; and, in vol. III, a series of studies on the sources, with an introductory, essay by Andrew Lang. Other editions are Sir Edw. Strachey’s, “revised for modern use,” 1884 ff.; Rhys’s, with designs by Aubrey Beardsley, 1892, and reprints in the Temple Classics, the English Classics, etc. For criticism, see further Saintsbury, G., The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory, 1897; Smith, G. Gregory, The Transition Period, 1900; Ker, W. P., Essays on Medieval Literature, 1905.]
- Mery Jests of the Wyddow Edyth, The. Hazlitt’s Old English Jest-Books. Vol. III. 1864.
- New lands found by the messengers of the King of Portugal, Of the. Arber’s The first three English books on America. Birmingham, 1885.
- Oliver of Castile, The history of, reproduced from the unique copy of Wynkyn de Worde’s edition of 1518. Ed. Graves, R.E. Roxburghe Club, CXXX. 1898.
- Ovid. Six bookes of Metamorphoses. Translated out of Frensshe by William Caxton. Ed. Hibbert, G. Roxburghe Club, XXVI. 1819.
- Paris and Vienne. Ed. [by Hazlitt, W. C.]. 1868.
- Parson of Kalenborowe, The. Jahrbuch des Vereins für niederdeutsche Sprachforschung. 1887. Bd. XIII, pp. 129 sqq.
- Petronylla, The parfite life of. London by R. Pynson. Fugitive tracts written in verse. Ed. Huth, H. No. I. 1875.
- Pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylford to the Holy Land,
A.D. 1506, The, from a copy believed to be unique from the press of Richard Pynson, Ed. Ellis, H. Camden Society, LI. 1851. - Recuyell of the historyes of Troyes…, The. (Caxton’s.) Ed. Sommer, H. 2 vols. 1894.
- Reul, Paul de. The language of Caxton’s Reynard the Fox. Université de Gand. Recueil de travaux publiés parla faculté de philosophie et letteres, fasc. 26. Gand, 1901.
- Revelation to the monk of Evesham, The. Printed by W. de Machlinia about 1482. Ed. Arber, E. English Reprints, XVII. 1869.
- Reynard the Fox, The History of, translated and printed by W. Caxton. Ed. Arber, E. English Scholars Library, I. 1880.
- Reynard the Foxe, The History of, by William Caxton. Kelmscott Press, Hammersmith, 1892.
- St. Ursula, Guiscard and Sigismund, The life of. Roxburghe Club, XXIV. 1818.
- Salomon and Marcolphus, The dialogue or communing between the wise King. Ed. Duff, E. Gordon. 1892.
- Three Kings of Cologne, The. An early English translation of the Historia trium regum by John of Hildesheim. Ed. from the MSS. by Horstmann, C. E.E.T.S. LXXXV. 1886.
- Virgilius. From the edition by Doesborch. Thoms’ Early English Prose Romances. Vol. II. 1828.
- Walsingham, The foundation of the chapel of. Fugitive tracts written in verse. Ed. Huth, H. No. II. 1875.
- E. G. D. &. A. R. W.